Fisheries Projects Archive
- Sea lion and seal rescue and rehabilitation
- Data-limited Methods Toolkit
- Habitat characterization, fishery development and stock structure of swordfish off California
- A multi-faceted approach to enhance sustainability of the California spiny lobster fishery
- Reconstructing the population dynamics of southern California Paralabrax species in the face of a changing ocean
- Improving management under the Marine Life Management Act (MLMA) by accounting for effects of Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) on fisheries
- Sea Feeds: Identification and culture of Californian marine macroalgae capable of reducing greenhouse gas production from ruminant livestock
- A DNA metabarcoding approach to monitoring fish spawning and population connectivity in Coastal Southern and Central California
- Solar Logger Pilot Project
- Recreational Red Abalone Management Strategies Integration
- Marine Species Synthesis Reports
- California Fisheries Portal Focus Groups
- Socioeconomic Guidance for California Fisheries Management
- Scientific Peer Review: Guidance & Recommendations for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife
- California Track of Fish 2.0
- Marine Landings Database System
- Ecological Risk Assessment Productivity and Susceptibility Analysis
- Readying California Fisheries for a Changing Climate
- California Spiny Lobster Fishery Management Plan
- San Francisco Fisherman’s Wharf Seafood Market
- California Sustainable Seafood Initiative
- Central Coast Groundfish Project
- Instream Flow Analysis – Santa Maria River
- Instream Flow Analysis – Big Sur River
- Instream flow Analysis – Shasta River
- Collaborative Fisheries Research
- MLMA Lessons Learned Project
- Salmon and Steelhead
- CEMAR – Southern Steelhead Resources Project
- Moss Landing Fisheries Market Project
- San Diego Sea Urchin Fishery Project
- San Luis Obispo Sustainable Fisheries Support
Staff Contact

Katie Cieri
Sustainable Fisheries and
Aquaculture Program Manager