California Track of Fish 2.0


This project sponsors a series of online trainings, webinars, regional and global workshops and other activities to advance sustainable fisheries innovation through a California-based track of the Fish 2.0 program. Fish 2.0 is a global incubation program for pioneering sustainable seafood businesses. Through trainings and workshops, Fish 2.0 connects investors, seafood entrepreneurs, industry experts, public agencies and NGOs to foster collaboration, partnerships, and provide opportunities to integrate environmental and social components into seafood business investment strategies to maximize their profit and sustainability impact. With free online participation and a waived registration fee for finalists, Fish 2.0 is accessible to all and does not preclude community members from being involved and supported. It is expected that ventures participating in the Fish 2.0 program are revenue generating or expect to be revenue generating and should be seeking investment or industry partnerships, not grant funding. The Fish 2.0 global program consists of various regional tracks, and OPC is sponsoring the California track. By sponsoring a California regional track of Fish 2.0, the OPC Sustainable Fisheries program will advance its goal of enhancing the sustainability of California’s ocean fisheries to protect marine ecosystems, port communities, and coastal economies.

Timeline: July 2018 – November 2019

Project Amount: Up to $143,020

Grantee: Manta Consulting

Funding Source: Environmental License Plate Funds

Photo: “San Diego Skyline” by Cia Farrar Knapp

Project Overview

This project will advance sustainable fisheries innovation by sponsoring a series of online trainings, webinars, regional and global workshops to support a California-based track of the Fish 2.0 program. At a California-based track of Fish 2.0, OPC will play a key role in outlining specific focus areas and eligibility criteria for California seafood businesses participating in the program. An OPC-sponsored track will target California businesses that focus on:

  1. Increasing traceability and transparency in seafood supply chains
  2. Innovations in seafood supply chains that favor sustainability, local food systems and fishing communities
  3. Increasing resilience to impacts from climate change

OPC funds would support administration of online trainings, webinars, a regional training and network building workshop in California, and a portion of the global innovation finals and investor event, which will be held in California in 2019 to improve the environmental and social impact of innovative seafood business models. Specifically, OPC investment would support the four phases of the competition and the finals, outlined here:

  • Phase 1: online application including in-person and online training workshops/webinars
  • Phase 2: online development and judging of business idea, team and plans by seafood industry experts and investors – with feedback provided to all participants
  • Phase 3: online development and judging of impact, risk and investment opportunities with further feedback from investors and input from sustainability experts on integration of the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Sustainable Development Goals and impact elements and metrics into business strategies
  • Phase 4: online pitch and presentation development in preparation for the Finals
  • Finals/Global Innovation Event: connecting in-person with investors and other partners

Manta Consulting will provide OPC with a summary report at the conclusion of the Global Innovation Event to include a qualitative and quantitative overview of the overall California program. This public-facing summary report will addresses how the businesses involved in the California track met the track focus areas and criteria pertaining to 1) increasing traceability and transparency in seafood supply chains; 2) innovations in seafood supply chains that favor sustainability, local food systems and fishing communities; and 3) increasing resilience to impacts from climate change through innovative tools, technologies, and approaches.

Each regional track will include a regional, two-day event consisting of workshops, pitching and partnership-building. There is also an online component to the competition where eligible businesses participate where they meet the various regional or global track criteria. The best qualified ventures from each of the tracks will advance to the Fish 2.0 Global Innovation Forum   Finals, which will be held in California in 2019. Fish 2.0 seeks to build a strong network of investors, NGOs, fishermen, public agencies, and fishery-related businesses that can act as a catalyst for positive social and environmental impact in the sustainable seafood industry.

Visit the Fish 2.0 California track webpage for the most up to date information on the California Fish 2.0 track and to sign up for updates and announcements.

Update (September 20, 2018):

The California track of Fish 2.0 is now launched and the California workshop is set for November 28-29 in San Francisco. Any California seafood businesses involved in any aspect of seafood supply chains, climate resilience technologies or seafood production, harvesting and trade, are eligible to apply to participate in this free workshop. The online competition of the California track of Fish 2.0 will begin directly after the November 28-29 workshop. Additional details and the workshop flyer are available on the Fish 2.0 California Track webpage.

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