San Francisco Fishermen’s Wharf Seafood Market

The fishing community at Fisherman’s Wharf has provided seafood to area residents for more than a century.  On average, over 3 million pounds of fish per year are landed in San Francisco, making it one of the major seafood ports on the West Coast.  These landings are worth over six-million dollars a year to the local fleet, which operates largely in the waters of the Gulf of the Farallones, Cordell Bank, and Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuaries.  The local fleet has traditionally harvested salmon, crab, rock cod, albacore tuna, herring and California Halibut – a mixture of state- and federally-managed fisheries with diverse rules, fishery management plans and types of fishing gear.

Ecotrust, the San Francisco Crab Boat Owners Association (CBOA) and the San Francisco Community Fishing Association (SFCFA) are partnering on an innovative venture that is designed to create incentives for conservation of ocean resources through the creation of a sustainable wholesale and retail seafood market along San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf.  The vision is to have San Francisco’s fishermen own and operate an integrated seafood business, from harvest to consumer that anchors the long-term viability of the fleet, create jobs for future generations of fishermen, maintain the fishing heritage of San Francisco Bay area, and create incentives for the responsible stewardship and sustainable management of the ocean.

In 2007, OPC and the Coastal Conservancy provided funds to Ecotrust to work with CBOA on a feasibility study, which included the development of a business plan,  architectural design sketches and engineering studies, and  construction costing for the market facility on Pier 47.  In November 2010, OPC  authorized additional funding for the first phase of project, creation of a pilot marketplace at Pier 45  in which fishermen can sell their fresh catch to area businesses, restaurants and local consumers, during the 2010-2011 season.

Council Documents/Staff Recommendations
Feasibility Study and Business Plan
Staff Recommendation for San Francisco Fishermen’s Wharf Seafood Market (Nov 2010)


Categories: Aquaculture