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April 27, 2023

30×30 Webinar Recording Available: Strengthening Biodiversity Protections in National Marine Sanctuaries

Watch the recording of the most recent 30×30 webinar: Strengthening Biodiversity Protections in California’s National Marine Sanctuaries California’s federally-managed National Marine Sanctuaries protect our state’s diverse wildlife, habitats, and cultural resources. State and federal conservation goals offer a unique opportunity to […]

Categories: 30x30, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity
April 25, 2023

Updates from the April 24, 2023 Council Meeting

The April 24 Ocean Protection Council (OPC) meeting moved several efforts forward into next steps and introduced new efforts toward protecting California’s coast and ocean in 2023. Action items on the agenda supporting OPC’s Strategic Plan goals were all passed […]

Categories: Aquaculture, Equity and Environmental Justice, Funding Opportunities and Updates, Grant Projects, Marine Protected Areas, OPC Meetings, Plastic Pollution, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change, Strategic Goal 2: Equity, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity, Water Quality
April 11, 2023

Ocean Protection Council Meeting – April 24, 2023 – Teleconference and Public Forum

The Ocean Protection Council held a hybrid public meeting via teleconference and in a public forum at 1 p.m. on Monday, April 24, 2023. The meeting summary and webcast recording are now available.

Categories: Funding Opportunities and Updates, OPC Meetings, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change, Strategic Goal 2: Equity, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity, Strategic Goal 4: Sustainable Blue Economy
March 27, 2023

Visit Our New 30×30 Webpage and Register for an Upcoming Discussion

What is 30×30? In 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-82-20, which committed to conserving 30% of California’s lands and coastal waters by 2030 as part of a broader effort to fight climate change, protect biodiversity, and expand access to nature for […]

Categories: 30x30, Marine Protected Areas, Outreach and Education, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity
March 26, 2023

The MPA Network Decadal Management Review

Share Your Feedback by July 7, 2023 OPC, the California Fish and Game Commission, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife are seeking your feedback on a draft prioritized list of the adaptive management recommendations included in the Decadal […]

Categories: Marine Protected Areas, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity
March 16, 2023

OPC and California Sea Grant Microplastic Research Program Request for Proposals

The California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) and California Sea Grant are seeking applications for two separate research calls to advance microplastics understanding and management in California, consistent with the priorities outlined in the California Ocean Litter Strategy and Statewide Microplastics Strategy. Proposals should […]

Categories: Funding Opportunities and Updates, Plastic Pollution, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity, Water Quality
March 14, 2023

OPC is Hiring a Senior Biodiversity Program Manager – Apply by April 6, 2023

We are hiring a Senior Environmental Scientist (Supervisory) to lead its Biodiversity Program and advance work related to marine protected areas, kelp forest resilience, marine biodiversity conservation, sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, and the state’s 30×30 initiative for coastal waters. The […]

Categories: 30x30, Career Opportunities, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity
March 14, 2023

OPC is Hiring Two 30×30 Staff Scientists – Apply by March 22, 2023

The California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) is hiring two limited term Environmental Scientists (30×30 Staff Scientists) to help advance California’s goal to conserve 30% of coastal waters by 2030 (the “30×30” initiative) and broader strategic priorities related to enhancing coastal […]

Categories: 30x30, Career Opportunities, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity
February 20, 2023

Virtual Webinar “A Decade of Ocean Conservation – An Update on California’s Marine Protected Areas”

California Natural Resources Secretary Speaker Series UPDATE: The recording is now available: February 14, 2023 at 1:00 PM via Zoom California’s 124 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) span our state’s entire coastline to conserve tidepools, sandy beaches, submarine canyons, estuaries, and […]

Categories: Marine Protected Areas, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity
February 16, 2023

OPC is Hiring a Biodiversity Program Manager – Apply by February 21, 2023

OPC is hiring an Environmental Scientist to help lead its efforts to enhance coastal, marine, and estuarine biodiversity in California.  The Environmental Scientist will advance these strategic priorities, as outlined in the Strategic Plan to Protect California’s Coast and Ocean, […]

Categories: Career Opportunities, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity