SB 1 Funding


In 2021, Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 1 (Atkins, 2021) into law. Senate Bill 1 (SB 1) directs the state to provide funding to local and regional governments to develop sea level rise (SLR) adaptation plans and implementation projects. In 2022, The California Air Resources Board (CARB) awarded $37.5 million dollars to OPC to support the implementation of SB 1. In the Budget Act of 2023, OPC received an additional $54.5 million for the continued implementation of SB 1. Ultimately, OPC’s SB 1 SLR Adaptation Planning Grant Program (SB 1 Grant Program) aims to provide funding for coastal communities to develop consistent SLR adaptation plans and projects to build resilience to SLR along the entire coast of California and San Francisco Bay.

The SB 1 Grant Program is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment — particularly in disadvantaged communities.

SB 1 Grant Program

The SB 1 Grant Program contains two funding tracks: one for pre-planning and planning phases (Track One), and one for the project phase (Track Two).

Track 1

Track One proposals (projects in the Pre-planning, Data Collection, and Planning Phases) are now being accepted through a rolling, quarterly process.

See the SB 1 Grant Program Solicitation (PDF) for details on this funding opportunity. Applicants must use the SB 1 Track 1 Proposal Template and Instructions (.docx), and be sure to address the minimum criteria listed in the SLR Adaptation Criteria.

While the SB 1 Grant Program operates on a rolling, quarterly basis, and proposals can be submitted at any time, all projects must be brought to Council meetings for funding approval and award. The following interim deadlines are in place to ensure projects can be reviewed and considered for funding in time to be brought to our quarterly Council Meetings:

Full proposals due (by 5 pm PT)OPC Meeting Date
Friday, June 28, 2024September 10, 2024
Friday, October 4, 2024December 9, 2024

Applications may be accepted up to 10 days past these deadlines, pending available staff capacity. Please contact OPC staff ( if an extension is needed. Please note that application extensions are not guaranteed.

Later dates will be added once 2025 Meeting dates are announced.

Additional Information

An Informational Webinar was held on Monday, April 15, 2024.

Questions received and answers have been added to the SB 1 Grant Program Fact Sheet (PDF). It will be updated regularly to include relevant questions that arise.

Track 2

Track Two proposals (Projects in the Implementation Project Phase) will be accepted through a competitive process starting in mid-late 2024, subject to availability of funding. Information on how to submit a Track 2 Proposal will be made available at that time.

SB 1 Technical Assistance Program

The SB 1 Technical Assistance Program targets eligible SB 1 applicants facing significant and imminent sea level rise threats along the California coast and San Francisco Bay shoreline. The SB 1 Technical Assistance Program will prioritize applicants based on the following criteria: 

  • Environmental Justice (EJ) Communities: EJ communities are communities disproportionately impacted by environmental injustices and social inequities, and historically underserved. OPC’s Equity Plan acknowledges that EJ communities often face heightened exposure to environmental hazards in contrast to surrounding communities. 
  • Federally Recognized Tribes:  The SB 1 Technical Assistance Program aims to address the historical injustices against all California Native American tribes. Federally recognized tribes, along with applicants who intend to build meaningful partnerships with both federally and non-federally recognized tribes, will be prioritized to receive technical assistance. 
  • Small and Rural Communities: The SB 1 Technical Assistance Program Team acknowledges that small and rural communities are often subject to their own set of climate adaptation challenges, including distance from critical services. Additionally, local government agencies in small and rural communities are often constrained on staffing and other capacity, making it challenging for them to respond to funding opportunities and fill planning gaps. 
  • Other: This criterion offers an opportunity for applicants to submit their locally-specific barriers to SLR planning, including, but not limited to: Jurisdiction has not completed an SLR vulnerability assessment or an adaptation strategy. 

For more information on selection criteria and eligibility, please refer to the Criteria Explanation (PDF)

Technical Assistance Services 

The program recognizes that applicants may require different levels of assistance. Technical assistance recipients will undergo categorization into low, medium, or high-level technical assistance based on the above criteria and an intake call, determining the tailored support they will receive. The table below outlines the available options for each category, offering a range of services that may be provided. 

Types of Services Provided Intake Call Low Medium High 
Assistance in understanding SB 1 Grant requirements xxx
Develop Technical Assistance and proposal submission workplan xxxx
Share resources and templates xxxx
Help with project conceptualization and development   xxx
Grant writing review   xxx
Grant writing assistance       x
Support development of proposal budget     xx
Assessment of stakeholder/community needs       x
Engaging tribes and environmental justice communities     xx
GIS mapping support       x
Data quantification support       x
Post-award grant agreement processing   xx

Technical assistance services are subject to change throughout the program period. 

Instructions on How to Apply 

To apply, fill in the linked initiation form (hosted by Coastal Quest) to the best of your knowledge. Coastal Quest will review your eligibility and initiate an intake call. 

Not sure if you should apply? 

We strongly encourage you to fill out the form to the best of your ability. The SB 1 Technical Assistance Program team will determine your eligibility. If you have any questions, please send an inquiry to