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September 16, 2014

Summary of Resolutions Passed at the August 27, 2014 OPC Meeting

On August 27, 2014, the California Ocean Protection Council passed two resolutions: one to support the State Water Resource Control Board’s adoption of a trash policy, and one to support implementation of the “Safeguarding California Plan for Reducing Climate Risk.”

Categories: Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change, Water Quality
February 21, 2013

Cost to West Coast Communities of Dealing with Trash and Reducing Marine Debris

Through a 2012 contract with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Kier Associates quantified the cost spent by 90 cities, large and small, in California, Oregon and Washington located along the coast or in watersheds draining to the ocean, to clean […]

Categories: Water Quality
November 15, 2010

The Southern California Bight Nutrient Loading Study

The coastal zone of Southern California is a highly built-up urban environment. Development in this region has been shown to significantly alter both the timing and rate of runoff releases to coastal waters and can affect water quality through addition […]

Categories: Water Quality
June 16, 2010

Ocean and coastal water quality

Beachgoers and wildlife need the same thing – clean ocean water. A relaxing day enjoying California’s waters can easily be undone by beach closures or widespread harmful algal blooms. With California’s coastal and ocean waters extending from the top of […]

Categories: Water Quality
April 23, 2010

Low-Impact Development (LID)

As more impervious surfaces – roads, parking lots and buildings – are built in a watershed, more runoff is produced that is contaminated with oil, grease, metals, trash, bacteria, and other pollutants.  This polluted runoff enters our waterways and contributes […]

Categories: Water Quality
May 14, 2009

Once-through Cooling at Coastal Power Plants

The Ocean Protection Council previously funded feasibility studies on once-through cooling at power plants to help facilitate new State Water Resources Control Board requirements. Additional information is below. Partner Agencies State Water Resources Control Board California Energy Commission Documents OPC […]

Categories: Water Quality