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July 16, 2024

Blue Carbon Ecosystem Data and Model Assessment Report Now Available 

The Blue Carbon Ecosystem Data and Model Assessment Report is now available. This report is a helpful resource for anyone working on developing models or inventories for blue carbon ecosystems, and it guides investment decisions in these vital areas. This […]

Categories: Report Release, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
June 4, 2024

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Ocean Protection Council Adopts Updated Guidance to Help California Prepare for and Adapt to Rising Seas

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For media inquiries, please contact: Jenn Eckerle, OPC Executive Director:Jenn.Eckerle@resources.ca.gov Ocean Protection Council adopts updated guidance to help California prepare for and adapt to rising seas Called the “State of California Sea Level Rise Guidance: 2024 Science […]

Categories: Climate Change, Press Releases, Report Release, Sea-Level Rise, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
February 16, 2024

State Agency Sea Level Rise Action Plan for California – February 2024 Update

OPC worked with the State Sea Level Rise Collaborative (SLR Collaborative) to provide the first update to the State Agency Sea Level Rise Action Plan for California (Action Plan). Originally released in 2022, the Action Plan is a five-year plan to […]

Categories: Report Release, Sea-Level Rise, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
January 19, 2024

State of California Sea Level Rise Guidance: 2024 Science and Policy Update – Draft Released for Public Comment – Deadline Extended to March 8

OPC is pleased to release the draft State of California Sea Level Rise Guidance: 2024 Science and Policy Update (Guidance), which will update and replace the previous 2018 State of California Sea-Level Rise Guidance. This report consists of the best […]

Categories: Public Comment Opportunity, Report Release, Sea-Level Rise, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change