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September 29, 2022

OPC Joins the 30×30 Partnership: A Collaboration for People and Nature

By Michael Esgro, Senior Biodiversity Program Manager & Tribal Liaison Yesterday, hundreds of environmental champions (including OPC leadership and staff!) met at California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) Headquarters in Sacramento for the official kickoff of the 30×30 Partnership. This new […]

Categories: 30x30, Equity and Environmental Justice, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change, Strategic Goal 2: Equity, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems, Tribal Engagement

December 31, 2021

OPC’s Year in Review: Meeting Challenges, Advancing Equity, Protecting Our Ocean

“As we look to 2022, our goal at the agency is to… continue California’s global leadership, combating climate change, transitioning our economy, and protecting our people and nature in the meantime. I believe strongly that people are resilient and that […]

Categories: 30x30, Aquaculture, Climate Change, Equity and Environmental Justice, Grant Projects, Marine Pollution, Marine Protected Areas, Plastic Pollution, Sea-Level Rise, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change, Strategic Goal 2: Equity, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity, Strategic Goal 4: Sustainable Blue Economy, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems, Water Quality

December 9, 2021

Prop 68 Climate Resilience Miniseries Episode 15: South Orange County Regional Coastal Resilience Strategic Plan

“Any type of solution to shoreline erosion and sea level rise will take a regional effort” – Susan Brodeur Today we are at Capistrano Beach in South Orange County talking with some of the members of the collaborative Prop 68 […]

Categories: Equity and Environmental Justice, Grant Projects, Outreach and Education, Sea-Level Rise, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change, Strategic Goal 2: Equity

December 7, 2021

Environmental Justice Communities to Receive $7.5M for Coastal Water Quality Projects

At its December 7 meeting, the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) for the first time approved funding exclusively for coastal water quality projects that directly benefit Environmental Justice (EJ) Communities. A total of $7.5M in Proposition 1 funds will be […]

Categories: Climate Change, Equity and Environmental Justice, Funding Opportunities and Updates, Grant Projects, OPC meetings, Sea-Level Rise, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change, Strategic Goal 2: Equity, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity, Tribal Engagement, Water Quality

October 5, 2021

Prop 68 Climate Resilience Miniseries Episode 10: Developing a San Diego Regional Coastal Resilience Roadmap

(Intro to the series here) “By working together to develop a shared understanding of the risks we face as well as to prioritize the actions we can take to address them, we can be better prepared for the challenges that lie […]

Categories: Climate Change, Equity and Environmental Justice, Grant Projects, Outreach and Education, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change, Strategic Goal 2: Equity