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June 11, 2012

New Resources on Climate Adaptation

Two new resources on coastal climate change adaptation were recently made available by OPC partners: the 2011 California Coastal Adaptation Needs Assessment Survey Report and  Adapting to Sea Level Rise: A Guide for California’s Coastal Communities.

Categories: Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
July 27, 2010

The Coastal and Ocean Resources Working Group for the Climate Action Team (CO-CAT)

The Coastal and Ocean Resources Working Group for the Climate Action Team (CO-CAT) is a working group comprised of senior level staff from California state agencies with ocean and coastal resource management responsibilities. CO-CAT’s task is to ensure the state’s […]

Categories: Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
June 16, 2010

Physical Processes and Habitat Structure

At the foundation of California’s coastal and ocean environment is a unique landscape of physical structures including sandy and rocky beaches, coastal rivers, and wetlands.  These features define our shoreline, sediment supply, and compromise a complex habitat structure that is […]

Categories: Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change