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December 16, 2016

Ocean Protection Council leads the effort in California to take action against ocean acidification

At an event this week in Coronado, CA, the Ocean Protection Council took the lead for California to forge a groundbreaking partnership between California, Oregon, Washington and several international partners that committed to protecting coastal communities from the threat of […]

Categories: Climate Change
May 7, 2015

Draft Survey Questions for the Sea-level Rise Planning Database

  The Ocean Protection Council and California Natural Resources Agency gathered input from stakeholders regarding implementation of AB2516, the Sea-level Rise Planning Database. Comments and feedback on the draft (available below) were incorporated into the final survey which was distributed to entities named […]

Categories: Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
April 20, 2015

Public Webinar – Monday, May 4, 2015 – Implementation of AB2516, Sea-level Rise Planning Database

UPDATED: Download the Webinar Archive – Download the Powerpoint Presentation The Ocean Protection Council will be hosting a public webinar on Monday, May 4, 2015 from 11-12 to provide information on implementation of AB2516, the Sea-level Rise Planning Database, which […]

Categories: Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
September 16, 2014

Summary of Resolutions Passed at the August 27, 2014 OPC Meeting

On August 27, 2014, the California Ocean Protection Council passed two resolutions: one to support the State Water Resource Control Board’s adoption of a trash policy, and one to support implementation of the “Safeguarding California Plan for Reducing Climate Risk.”

Categories: Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change, Water Quality
July 24, 2014

New Resources for Responding to Coastal Climate Change in California

Building on the growing momentum to address climate change impacts to coastal California, there are many funding, training and capacity-building events upcoming. These include Coastal Climate Change featured at the California Adaptation Forum, a free workshop on Sea-level Rise and […]

Categories: Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
August 28, 2013

California Ocean Protection Council Announces West Coast Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Science Panel

California and Oregon are joining forces to help address ocean acidification and hypoxia, a West Coast-wide threat to our shared marine and coastal ecosystems. The California Natural Resources Agency, on behalf of the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC), today signed […]

Categories: Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
August 22, 2013

Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia

Ocean acidification and hypoxia, two phenomena often coupled for a variety of biological and oceanographic reasons, have the potential for profound impacts on living marine resources. Scientists have already demonstrated serious impacts on shell-building organisms, among others, and severe effects […]

Categories: Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
April 19, 2013

Local Coastal Program Sea-Level Rise Adaptation Grant Announcement Program

The Ocean Protection Council, California Coastal Commission and State Coastal Conservancy announce the availability of grants to encourage local governments and other entities responsible for planning under the California Coastal Act to develop and adopt updated plans that conserve and […]

Categories: Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
April 9, 2013

State of California Sea-Level Rise Guidance Document

Update to the State of California Sea-Level Rise Guidance Document The State of California is in the process of updating the State Sea-Level Rise Guidance Document. For more information, please visit: https://opc.ca.gov/climate-change/updating-californias-sea-level-rise-guidance/ Current Version of the State of California Sea-Level Rise […]

Categories: Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
July 5, 2012

Scoping Outline of the Coastal and Ocean Chapter of the 2012 Climate Adaptation Strategy

  The California Natural Resources Agency, working through the Climate Action Team (CAT), is developing the 2012 Climate Adaptation Strategy. This resource will outline proactive steps to take now to protect public health and safety, infrastructure and the economy, and […]

Categories: Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change