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October 26, 2022

Registration Open: California Ocean Litter Strategy Webinar

Join the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Marine Debris Program for a bi-annual California Ocean Litter Strategy webinar. The webinar will include updates and developments from federal and California agencies on research and […]

Categories: Plastic Pollution, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity, Water Quality
October 19, 2022

Round 3 Funding for CA MPA Outreach & Education Opens Soon – Technical Assistance is Available

OPC has funded Coastal Quest to administer the third round of a small grants program to support outreach and education projects that increase outreach and engagement of California’s marine protected areas. This program will provide grants between $25,000 and $100,000 […]

Categories: Equity and Environmental Justice, Funding Opportunities and Updates, Marine Protected Areas, Outreach and Education, Strategic Goal 2: Equity, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity
October 7, 2022

Updates from the October 6, 2022 Council Meeting

The October 6 Ocean Protection Council (OPC) meeting was an exciting and moving gathering. State and federal agencies, tribes, non-profit and business partners, and members of the public joined together with joyful tears and cheers in support of landmark decision-making […]

Categories: Funding Opportunities and Updates, Habitats, Kelp, Marine Habitats, OPC Meetings, Strategic Goal 2: Equity, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity
September 30, 2022

OPC Equity Plan to be Considered for Adoption at the October 6 Meeting

We are excited to announce that the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) will consider adoption of its first-ever Equity Plan at the October 6, 2022 Council meeting. The Equity Plan represents OPC’s commitment to advancing equity across ocean and coastal policies and […]

Categories: Equity and Environmental Justice, OPC Meetings, Strategic Goal 2: Equity
September 29, 2022

OPC Joins the 30×30 Partnership: A Collaboration for People and Nature

By Michael Esgro, Senior Biodiversity Program Manager & Tribal Liaison Yesterday, hundreds of environmental champions (including OPC leadership and staff!) met at California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) Headquarters in Sacramento for the official kickoff of the 30×30 Partnership. This new […]

Categories: 30x30, Equity and Environmental Justice, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change, Strategic Goal 2: Equity, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems, Tribal Engagement
September 7, 2022

Harmful Algal Bloom in San Francisco Bay Results in Aquatic Mortality, Fish Kills

September 2022 – Waters in San Francisco Bay have turned reddish-brown this summer due to a multi-week harmful algal bloom (HAB) identified as Heterosigma akashiwo, an invasive species of marine algae responsible for some of the ‘red tides’ that are […]

Categories: Harmful Algal Blooms, Outreach and Education, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity, Water Quality
September 1, 2022

Fishing for Research: OPC Staff and the California Collaborative Fisheries Research Program Team Up in Point Lobos

By Stacy Hayden, Communications Manager It was a calm Friday at 6:30 a.m. when we left the dock on the vessel New Horizon from Old Fisherman’s Wharf in Monterey. At the helm was charter boat Captain John Klusmire leading a […]

Categories: Habitats, Marine Habitats, Marine Protected Areas, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems
August 22, 2022

Wiyot Tribe Celebrates the Return of Coastal Land

August 22, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Jenn Eckerle, jenn.eckerle@resources.ca.gov Maria Rodriguez, maria.rodriguez@resources.ca.gov Wiyot Tribe Celebrates the Return of Coastal Land 46 acres acquired in partnership with the Ocean Protection Council Humboldt County, Calif. – In a ceremony held last […]

Categories: Equity and Environmental Justice, Press Releases, Strategic Goal 2: Equity, Tribal Engagement
August 19, 2022

MPA Monitoring Series: Ask the Researcher, Part 4: Estuaries and Mid-Depth Rocky Habitat

In the final “Ask the Researcher” webinars held in August, participants discussed important MPA monitoring projects in estuarine habitats and mid-depth rocky habitats. To learn more about this exciting summer series and the previous webinars, check out: Ask the Researcher, Part 1: […]

Categories: Marine Protected Areas, Outreach and Education, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity
August 18, 2022

OPC Releases the Final State Agency Sea-Level Rise Action Plan for California

Following the February 2022 draft release of the State Agency Sea-Level Rise Action Plan for California (SLR Action Plan), public comment was reviewed and incorporated. OPC is now releasing the final 2022 SLR Action Plan (PDF). The SLR Action Plan […]

Categories: Equity and Environmental Justice, Sea-Level Rise, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change, Strategic Goal 2: Equity, Tribal Engagement