Funding Overview
The California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) collaboratively manages various funding sources to advance strategic investments in scientific research and monitoring, collaborative policy development, restoration, and other projects that will improve conditions for ocean and coastal ecosystems and California communities. Funding sources include bond funds, General Fund monies, and special funds.
OPC encourages diverse applicants to apply and collaborate on initiatives that advance sustainable and equitable coast and ocean stewardship.
Open Solicitations
MPA Mid-Depth Rocky Reef Monitoring Projects
The California Ocean Protection Council, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and California Sea Grant are accepting proposals to advance mid-depth rocky reef habitat monitoring (30-100m) within the Marine Protected Area (MPA) network. Up to $1,500,000 is available for projects during the 2025 and 2026 sampling seasons, or for developing long-term monitoring approaches.
Notices of Intent are due by November 13, 2024, and full proposals are due by December 16, 2024.
For complete details, including webinar dates, visit the Request for Proposals (RFP) webpage on the California Sea Grant website.
Senate Bill 1 Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning Grant Program
OPC’s Senate Bill 1 Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning Grant Program (SB 1 Grant Program) is open to proposals from local, regional, and tribal governments. The overall goal of the SB 1 Grant Program is to provide funding to develop sea level rise adaptation plans and projects to build resilience to sea level rise along the entire coast of California and San Francisco Bay.
Track 1 proposals are accepted on a rolling, quarterly, non-competitive basis.
Check the SB 1 Funding webpage for dates, application and solicitation materials, and resources.
The SB 1 Grant Program is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment — particularly in disadvantaged communities.

Grant Programs and Funding Sources
OPC offers funding for ocean and coastal projects through competitive grant solicitations and discretionary grants to advance critical information needs and policy priorities statewide. OPC does not accept unsolicited proposals for discretionary funds or outside of open solicitation periods for competitive grants.
For more information about our grant programs and funding sources, visit the following webpages:

Senate Bill 1 (SB 1) Grant Program
The SB 1 Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning Grant Program provides funding to develop sea level rise adaptation plans and projects to build resilience to sea level rise along the entire coast of California and San Francisco Bay.

Proposition 68 Grant Program
Prop 68 funding supports priorities across OPC’s program areas, projects that conserve, protect, and restore marine wildlife and healthy ocean and coastal ecosystems, or assist communities in adapting to climate change.

California State General Fund
OPC receives funding through the State’s General Fund, which is allocated to support specific legislated or discretionary initiatives related to ocean and coastal protection. such as marine protected area monitoring, whale and sea turtle entanglement, and offshore wind.

Leading the way in strategic coast and ocean investments for the future of California’s ecosystems and communities.
Related Grant Program Updates
For updates on funding opportunities, join us on social media, and sign up for emails.

General Inquiries