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August 31, 2021

Prop 68 Climate Resilience Miniseries Episode 4: Bolinas Lagoon Wye Wetlands Resiliency Project

(Intro to the series here) “Part of this is just the regular stewardship practice of taking care of the land together” – Max Korten Today we are in the beautiful Bolinas Lagoon of Marin County, this tidal embayment is a Ramsar […]

Categories: Climate Change, Coastal Habitats, Grant Projects, Habitats, Outreach and Education, Sea-Level Rise, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
August 26, 2021

Prop 68 Climate Resilience Miniseries Episode 3: Eelgrass Habitat Suitability Model Update for Targeted, Climate-Smart Eelgrass Restoration in San Francisco Bay

(Intro to the series here) Today we are talking about a Prop 68 Project to develop an Eelgrass Habitat Suitability Model for San Francisco Bay–where many of California’s eelgrass enhancement and mitigation projects have been conducted. In order to successfully restore […]

Categories: Climate Change, Coastal Habitats, Grant Projects, Habitats, Outreach and Education, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity
August 24, 2021

Prop 68 Climate Resilience Miniseries Episode 2: Quantifying the Social and Economic Benefits of Nature-Based Adaptation Solutions

(Intro to the series here) “We’re getting input from flood managers and stakeholders in the region…that’s exciting because it makes me feel that people will make decisions based off what we’re finding from this project” – Rae Taylor Burns Today we […]

Categories: Climate Change, Coastal Habitats, Grant Projects, Habitats, Outreach and Education, Sea-Level Rise, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
August 19, 2021

Prop 68 Climate Resilience Miniseries Episode 1: Richardson’s Bay Regional Agency Eelgrass Protection & Management Plan

(Intro to the series here) “This is a huge deal because we are on the cusp of something that is hopefully going to make a difference” – Curtis Havel Today we are in Northern California, visiting the beautiful town of […]

Categories: Coastal Habitats, Grant Projects, Habitats, Outreach and Education, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems
August 17, 2021

Announcing OPC’s new Climate Resilience Miniseries!

Episode 0 – Who is OPC? What is Prop 68, a brief primer on the Climate Resilience Miniseries The Ocean Protection Council (OPC) was created by law in 2004 with the passing of the California Ocean Protection Act. OPC is […]

Categories: Climate Change, Coastal Habitats, Funding Opportunities and Updates, Grant Projects, Habitats, Outreach and Education, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
December 23, 2020

Draft Revised 2021 Proposition 1 Guidelines Now Available for Public Comment

The Ocean Protection Council (OPC) is pleased to announce the release of Draft Revised Prop 1 Grant Guidelines for public review and comment. Major revisions to the Prop 1 Guidelines include changes to OPC’s priority projects and to the scoring […]

Categories: Funding Opportunities and Updates, Grant Projects
August 7, 2020

New Prop 68 Coastal Resilience Solicitation Now Open!

OPC’s priority areas for Proposition 68 grant funding are for projects that will address, create, or implement nature-based solutions and other sea-level rise adaptation strategies to build coastal resiliency. For more details on OPC’s priorities, please review our Strategic Plan. […]

Categories: Climate Change, Funding Opportunities and Updates, Grant Projects, Sea-Level Rise, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
April 16, 2020

California Sea Grant Research Funding for New Faculty

California Sea Grant is now soliciting applications for one-year research projects by early-career faculty. Proposals, up to $60,000, will support the research of a new faculty member employed at a California-based university to address topics aligned with California Sea Grant’s […]

Categories: Funding Opportunities and Updates, Grant Projects
October 31, 2018

OPC approves grant for Newport Bay Water Wheel

At its October 25, 2018 meeting, OPC approved a $1.68 million Proposition 1 grant to the City of Newport Beach for planning and implementation of the Newport Bay Water Wheel project. The staff recommendation is available here and links to […]

Categories: Grant Projects, Uncategorized, Water Quality