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August 17, 2010

OPC-DFG Joint Work Plan

Background California’s 2006 Budget Act appropriated $8 million to the California Ocean Protection Council for the implementation of the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) and Marine Life Management Act (MLMA). The Budget Act called for these funds to be expended […]

Categories: Aquaculture, Marine Protected Areas, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems
July 8, 2010

ROV-based Deep Water Monitoring of the Northern Channel Islands Marine Protected Areas

In 1998, California passed the Marine Life Management Act (MLMA), which calls for an ecosystem approach to achieving sustainable fisheries and identifies the acquisition of essential fishery information (EFI) as a critical component in management decisions. EFI includes, among other […]

Categories: Marine Protected Areas, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems