Council Documents
Ocean Protection Council Five Year Strategic Plan
Other Guiding Documents
OPC White Paper – “Towards Improving the California Ocean Protection Council” (October 21, 2010)
OPC Program Priorities for 2009 through 2010
OPC Accomplishments (September 2008)
California Ocean Protection Act (PRC Div 26.5)
Ocean Protection Council Resolutions:
- Updating the State of California Sea-level Rise Guidance Document (Adopted April 26, 2017)
- Adopted Resolution Regarding Plastic Bags (adopted October 17, 2016)
- Adopted Resolution Regarding the Marine Protected Area (MPA) Statewide Leadership Team and work plan
- Resolution Regarding the California Collaborative Approach: Marine Protected Areas Partnership Plan (adopted December, 2014)
- Resolution Regarding Implementation of the Safeguarding California Plan for Reducing Climate Risk (adopted August, 2014)
- Resolution Supporting the State Water Resources Control Board’s adoption of Trash Policy (adopted August, 2014)
- Resolution Regarding theAdvancement of Fisheries Management and Support of Fishing Communities (adopted November, 2013)
- Resolution Regarding Sea Level Rise (adopted March, 2011)
- Resolution Supporting a Marine Debris Reduction and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Programs (amended April, 2009)
- Resolution Supporting Collaboration On Marine Spatial Planning (amended September, 2009)
- Resolution Supporting a Longline Exempt Fishing Permit and Potential Impacts to West Coast Sea Turtles (adopted November, 2008)
- Resolution Supporting Low Impact Development (adopted May 2008)
- Resolution on Climate Change (adopted June 2007)
- Resolution on Reducing and Preventing Marine Debris (adopted February 2007)
- Resolution Supporting Innovative Fisheries Management (adopted November 2006)
- Resolution Regarding the Use of Once-through Cooling Technologies in Coastal Waters (adopted April 2006)
Ocean Protection Council Policy Letters:
- Letters to Congress regarding ocean initiatives in the federal FY16 Budget (March 2015) [House] [Senate]
- West Coast Governors Submit Comments to Secretary of the Interior on Preparation of 2017-2022 Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program (July 2014)
- Letters to Congress regarding ocean initiatives in the federal FY15 Budget (March 2014)
- Letter to Representatives Hastings, Markey, Fleming, and Sablan regarding the Marine Debris Act Reauthorization Amendments of 2011 (HR 1171) (October 2011)
- Letter to US Senate leaders regarding the National Endowment for the Ocean Act, President’s Budget Request for the Regional Ocean Partnerships Program, and Legislation to Address Coastal Impact Assistance Program disbursements (September 2010)
- Letter to Obama Administration regarding the International Whaling Commission (June 2010)
- Letter to Chair of National Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force regarding Interim Framework for Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (January 2010)
- Letter to US House of Representatives regarding the Oceans Conservation, Education and National Strategy for the 21st Century Act (July 2008)
- Letter in support of the Draft Action Plan of the West Coast Governors’ Agreement on Ocean Health (October 2007)
- Letter to Oregon Natural Resources Policy Director and Washington Department of Ecology Director recommending actions for the West Coast Governor’s Agreement on Ocean Health Action Plan (June 2007)
- Letter to Representatives Waxman, Eshoo, Capps, and Solis regarding energy policy (April 2005)
Related Ocean Reports:
- West Coast Governors Agreement on Ocean Health (
- 2007 U.S. Ocean Policy Report Card, Joint Ocean Commission (
- An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century, U.S. Ocean Commission
- Pew Oceans Commission Report
- California’s Ocean Economy Report, National Ocean Economics Program (NOEP)
Noteworthy Ocean Protection Council Documents:
- Adopted OPC CEQA guidelines (April 2007)
- Overview of California Ocean and Coastal Laws
- Conflict of Interest Code
- Incompatible Activities Statement
- Meeting Procedures Document (updated Feb 2012)
- California Ocean and Coastal Information, Research and Outreach Strategy (IRO)