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May 22, 2009

Instream Flow Analysis – Santa Maria River

Background The precipitous decline of salmon and steelhead populations throughout the state of California is attributed to numerous factors, some of which include; water supply, water quality, habitat destruction, and blockages to fish migrations. The instream flow projects are designed […]

Categories: Aquaculture
May 22, 2009

Instream Flow Analysis – Big Sur River

Background The precipitous decline of salmon and steelhead populations throughout the state of California is attributed to numerous factors, some of which include; water supply, water quality, habitat destruction, and blockages to fish migrations.  The instream flow projects are designed […]

Categories: Aquaculture
May 22, 2009

Instream flow Analysis – Shasta River

Background The precipitous decline of salmon and steelhead populations throughout the state of California is attributed to numerous factors, some of which include; water supply, water quality, habitat destruction, and blockages to fish migrations.  The instream flow projects are designed […]

Categories: Aquaculture
May 14, 2009

California’s Coastal Power Plants: Alternative Cooling System Analysis

Full Report (please note this file is 31MB) Executive Summary Chapter 1 – Introduction Chapter 2 – Background Chapter 3 – Regulatory Review Chapter 4 – Closed-cycle Cooling Chapter 5 – Study Methods Chapter 6 – Retrofits and Repowers Chapter […]

Categories: Uncategorized
May 14, 2009

Once-through Cooling at Coastal Power Plants

The Ocean Protection Council previously funded feasibility studies on once-through cooling at power plants to help facilitate new State Water Resources Control Board requirements. Additional information is below. Partner Agencies State Water Resources Control Board California Energy Commission Documents OPC […]

Categories: Water Quality
May 4, 2009

University of California Sea Grant

Nationally, the Sea Grant College Network consists of 30 university-based programs funded primarily by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), dedicated to the understanding, conservation, and sustainable use of coastal and marine resources.  There are two Sea Grant programs […]

Categories: Uncategorized
May 1, 2009

West Coast Governors Agreement on Ocean Health

Background On September 18, 2006 the Governors of California, Oregon and Washington announced the West Coast Governors’ Agreement on Ocean Health. The Agreement launched a new, proactive regional collaboration to protect and manage the ocean and coastal resources along the […]

Categories: Uncategorized
May 1, 2009

Salmon and Steelhead

Robust annual salmon migrations have long been a sign of a healthy Pacific Northwest ecosystem. Today, sadly, wild salmon and steelhead populations in California are threatened with extinction.  The California Ocean Protection Council is currently exploring how and what can be […]

Categories: Aquaculture, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems
May 1, 2009

Thank You Ocean Campaign

This page has moved–please go to https://opc.ca.gov/thank-you-ocean/

Categories: Uncategorized