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May 26, 2010

Central Coast Groundfish Project

The Central Coast Groundfish Project (CCGP) is an innovative endeavor being spearheaded by The Nature Conservancy (TNC).  The goal of the CCGP is to establish a community-based fishing institution that can provide for the long-term ecological and economic sustainability of […]

Categories: Aquaculture, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems
May 18, 2010

California Marine Renewable Energy Working Group

The California Marine Renewable Energy Working Group is an interagency group chaired by the California Ocean Protection Council.  The goals of the Working Group are to: Address uncertainties in regulatory processes for marine renewable energy projects in California Address the […]

Categories: Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems
April 29, 2010

CSSI Agenda – May 13, 2010

Categories: Uncategorized
April 27, 2010

Research and Monitoring

  Research and Monitoring Solving complex ocean resource problems will require a better scientific understanding of the underlying functioning of ocean and coastal ecosystems. The Ocean Protection Council seeks to establish policies that coordinate the collection and sharing of scientific […]

Categories: Uncategorized
April 23, 2010

Low-Impact Development (LID)

As more impervious surfaces – roads, parking lots and buildings – are built in a watershed, more runoff is produced that is contaminated with oil, grease, metals, trash, bacteria, and other pollutants.  This polluted runoff enters our waterways and contributes […]

Categories: Water Quality
March 24, 2010

California Sustainable Seafood Initiative

Assembly Bill 1217 (Monning, 2009), requires the Ocean Protection Council to develop and implement a voluntary seafood promotion program for California fisheries. The intent of AB 1217 is to encourage California fisheries to seek certification in accordance with internationally accepted […]

Categories: Aquaculture, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems
March 17, 2010

Mapping California’s Seafloor

UPDATE August 2012 – The first set of formal map products from the California Seafloor Mapping Program are now available on the United States Geological Survey website.  This first map set covers Hueneme Canyon and vicinity, and includes 12 map sheets […]

Categories: Uncategorized
February 18, 2010

OPC Meeting – March 3, 2010

  Meeting Agenda March 3, 2010 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel 1230 J Street Sacramento, CA  95814   Lester Snow, Secretary for Natural Resources, Council Chair                  Linda Adams, Secretary for Environmental Protection John Chiang, State Controller, […]

Categories: OPC Meetings