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July 27, 2010

The Coastal and Ocean Resources Working Group for the Climate Action Team (CO-CAT)

The Coastal and Ocean Resources Working Group for the Climate Action Team (CO-CAT) is a working group comprised of senior level staff from California state agencies with ocean and coastal resource management responsibilities. CO-CAT’s task is to ensure the state’s […]

Categories: Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
July 26, 2010

Thank You Ocean OPC Podcasts

The Thank You Ocean (TYO) Report focuses on interesting and exciting California ocean topics such as marine mammals, the latest news on ocean health, timely ocean issues and fascinating ocean facts. Stories feature interviews with ocean experts, explorers, scientists, conservationists, […]

Categories: Uncategorized
July 26, 2010

CSSI Meeting Materials – August 2-3, 2010

California Sustainable Seafood Initiative List of meeting materials for August 2-3, 2010 WWF Full report: Assessment of on-pack, wild capture seafood sustainability certification programes and seafood ecolabels  MSC Get Certified MSC Chain of custody MSC Principals and Criteria for sustainable fishing Sussex […]

Categories: Uncategorized
July 8, 2010

ROV-based Deep Water Monitoring of the Northern Channel Islands Marine Protected Areas

In 1998, California passed the Marine Life Management Act (MLMA), which calls for an ecosystem approach to achieving sustainable fisheries and identifies the acquisition of essential fishery information (EFI) as a critical component in management decisions. EFI includes, among other […]

Categories: Marine Protected Areas, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems
June 16, 2010

Physical Processes and Habitat Structure

At the foundation of California’s coastal and ocean environment is a unique landscape of physical structures including sandy and rocky beaches, coastal rivers, and wetlands.  These features define our shoreline, sediment supply, and compromise a complex habitat structure that is […]

Categories: Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change
June 16, 2010

Education and Outreach

With a coastline over 1,100 miles long, the Pacific Ocean is one of the most dominant features of California’s geography.  Approximately 3/4 of California’s residents live in a county adjacent to the ocean and the recreation and economic activities that […]

Categories: Uncategorized
June 16, 2010

Ocean and Coastal Ecosystems

Ocean and Coastal Ecosystems Life in the oceans goes on mostly unseen. But just because we can’t see what goes on “down there” doesn’t mean it’s not critically important to our daily lives.  California’s ocean and coastal ecosystems support a […]

Categories: Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems