This webpage was updated on December 17, 2024

Updates from the December 9, 2024 Council Meeting

The December 9, 2024, Ocean Protection Council (OPC) meeting advanced initiatives across three of OPC’s Strategic Plan goals to address climate change, advance equity, and conserve biodiversity.  Key actions included funding for sea level rise adaptation planning, advancing 30×30 (protecting 30% of California’s coastal waters by 2030), and investments to support resilience of kelp forests. These efforts will provide tangible benefits to Californians by enhancing environmental and economic health, and resilience against climate change across diverse communities statewide.  

During the meeting, the Council unanimously approved several significant action items supporting OPC’s strategic goals: 

  • Senate Bill 1 Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning Grant Program: Up to $3,521,568 to four local, regional, and tribal governments ranging from Del Norte and Humboldt Counties to Los Angeles County to support sea level rise adaptation planning projects under the SB 1 Grant Program. The following projects will enable local and regional governments to prepare for and strengthen coastal resilience to sea level rise: 
    • Up to $677,610 to the Humboldt County Resource Conservation District to support community visioning and sea level rise vulnerability assessment of the Eel River Estuary. 
    • Up to $1,000,000 to the Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors to develop a regional coastal adaption plan for Los Angeles County. 
    • Up to $1,500,000 to the City and County of San Francisco to develop a shoreline adaptation plan. 
    • Up to $343,958 to the Yurok Tribe to support a sea level rise vulnerability assessment along the Klamath River and estuary.  
  • 30×30 in Coastal Waters: Up to $10 million to fund a competitive solicitation for projects that advance 30×30 in coastal waters by supporting action-oriented science, expanding and accelerating local environmental restoration and stewardship, including tribally-led stewardship, to foster environmental health and public well-being by conserving and restoring critical marine habitats.  Individual projects recommended for funding will be presented at the June 2025 Council meeting.
  • Adaptive Management and Resilience of Kelp Forests: Up to $775,000 to support adaptative management and resilience of kelp forests through the following projects: 
    • Up to $250,000 to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to assess the impact of commercial and recreational harvest on giant and bull kelp in California.
    • Up to $525,000 to the University of California, Santa Cruz to inform climate-resilient restoration by strategically mapping giant and bull kelp genomic diversity in California.  

The meeting also included informational items highlighting the following: 

  • Status of the 30×30 Decision-Making Framework for Coastal Waters: Following a 120-day public comment period on the Draft 30×30 Decision-Making Framework for Coastal Waters, staff provided an update on the status of the framework and summary of an extensive public comment and tribal consultation process that will guide the evaluation of potential conservation areas. The final 30×30 Decision-Making Framework for Coastal Waters is expected to be presented for Council consideration and approval in March 2025.
Councilmembers at the December 9, 2024 meeting

At this meeting, Executive Director Jenn Eckerle provided updates on the development of the first California Coast and Ocean Report Card, initial scoping to inform a West Coast Science Collaborative for Offshore Wind, and the launch of OPC’s 2026-2030 Strategic Plan public process, including dates for in-person listening sessions starting in February 2025. Executive Director Eckerle also welcomed Megan Williams as OPC’s new Coastal Resilience Program Manager to support OPC’s sea level rise adaptation work and help lead state efforts on offshore wind. Megan previously served as a Sea Grant Fellow and as a limited-term Coastal Adaptation Program Manager. Other personnel updates included the announcement of two new 2025 Sea Grant Fellows: Hallie Brown and Olivia Won. OPC will be hiring an Admin and Finance Specialist – stay tuned for the job announcement

View the full December agenda and associated documents on the meeting webpage. The recording is also available:  

The next OPC Quarterly Public Meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 3, 2025, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

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Categories: 30x30, Career Opportunities, Equity and Environmental Justice, Funding Opportunities and Updates, Habitats, Kelp, Leadership and Staff Updates, Marine Habitats, Marine Protected Areas, OPC Meetings, Sea-Level Rise, Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change, Strategic Goal 2: Equity, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems, Tribal Engagement