Share Your Feedback on Marine Protected Area Management Priorities

OPC, the California Fish and Game Commission (Commission), and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) are seeking your feedback on a draft prioritized list of the 28 adaptive management recommendations included in the Decadal Management Review (Review) of California’s Marine Protected Area (MPA) Network and Management Program. 

At the request of the Commission, CDFW drafted the priority list after considering all public comment received after the early 2023 release of the Review. Hundreds of comments were received from a diversity of entities and individuals, including tribes, government agencies, NGOs, the fishing community, MPA researchers, and members of the public. 

While all the recommendations in the Review are important, CDFW prioritized the list based on identified need, expected timeframe, input received, and level of information and resources available to advance the recommendations. Prioritizing the recommendations will help CDFW, the Commission, OPC, California Native American tribes, and partners focus efforts to achieve near-term, mid-term, and long-term priorities.  

The Commission asks for your feedback on the draft prioritized list to inform the July 20, 2023 meeting of the Commission’s Marine Resources Committee. For your written comments to be included in the July meeting materials, they must be submitted to the Commission by 5:00 p.m. on July 7. Visit the Commission website for instructions on submitting written commentandupcoming meeting information. The public is also welcome to join the meeting virtually or in person to provide public comment verbally. 

More Information

Looking for more information on California’s MPA Network and Management Program or want to make sure you stay informed?  

Categories: Marine Protected Areas, Public Comment Opportunity, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity