Request for Proposals: PSMFC Entanglement Risk Reduction

The Ocean Protection Council has provided funds to Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission to issue a request for proposals to advance the science that will help managers reduce entanglements of whales and sea turtles in fishing gear while minimizing impacts on the fishing fleet.

The Request for Proposals is now posted on the procurements section of the PSMFC website. Proposals are due March 19th at 5pm (PST) for projects that will be in effect through December 2023.

PSMFC will disperse up to $1.85 million to fund proposals that directly support OPC’s Strategy for reducing the risk of entanglement in California fishing gear by implementing scientific research projects and fostering collaborative partnerships. Applications submitted in response to this solicitation should advance implementation of the OPC’s Strategic Plan and should support the principles outlined in the Entanglement Strategy. Therefore, all projects will be geared to developing, aligning and improving information to reduce entanglement risk to whales and sea turtles and minimizing impacts to the fishing industry. Some of these types of projects have been discussed in the entanglement science workshop held in 2020. (Please note:  This call for proposals does NOT include gear innovation work)

PSMFC/OPC expects to award funds to between 4 and 6 projects. Projects are likely to average about $300,000 and range between $250,000 and $600,000. Indirect cost rates are restricted to 15%.

Categories: Funding Opportunities and Updates, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems