This webpage was updated on June 2, 2010

OPC 2010 Program Evaluation

Final OPC 2010 Program Evaluation Report

Executive Summary

Full report (with appendices) 5.5 MB

Addendum (public comments)


In its first five years, OPC made significant contributions to improved ocean and coastal management.  These efforts were guided by its authorizing legislation, the California Ocean Protection Act (COPA) and OPC’s first strategic plan (2006).  As the organization prepared to develop its next five-year strategic plan, OPC took the opportunity to undergo a five-year program evaluation of its performance and impact. The evaluation recommendations will inform OPC strategies, operations, and approaches over its next five years to ensure the OPC is undertaking its mission at the highest level of effectiveness.

The NewPoint Group conducted the evaluation and developed a final evaluation report including recommendations for improvement.  The OPC also appointed an expert advisory panel to provide input on the evaluation process and to ensure the report recommendations were both visionary and feasible.  Public comment was requested on the draft report and a response to these comments was provided in the final report Addendum.

Council Documents

RFP for Evaluation contractor (October 2009)
Staff Recommendation for Expert Advisory Panel (March 2010)
Memorandum on Draft Evaluation Report (September 2010)

OPC staff contact:
Laura Engeman
OPC Project Manager

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