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OPC Meeting — June 10, 2005

Meeting Agenda

June 10, 2005
Ferry Building (2nd floor)
Port Commission Hearing Room
The Embarcadero at Market Street
San Francisco, California 94111
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Mike Chrisman, Secretary for Resources, Council Chair
Cruz Bustamante, Lieutenant Governor, Chair of the State Lands Commission
Alan Lloyd, Secretary for Environmental Protection
Sheila Kuehl, State Senator, Ex officio Member
Pedro Nava, State Assemblymember, Ex officio Member

1. Welcome, introductions, and opening comments
Mike Chrisman, Secretary for Resources, Council Chair

2. Announcements by council members

3. Consideration of adoption of March 21 meeting minutes

4. Federal affairs

  • A. National energy policy developments: offshore oil and gas and liquefied natural gas
  • B. Coastal Zone Management Act Reauthorization
  • C. U.N. Convention on Law of the Sea

5. Public comment on non-agenda items
(Note: The chair will invite the public to comment on agenda items following each item)

6. Funding discussion
Sam Schuchat, Executive Officer, State Coastal Conservancy, Council Secretary
Gerald Secundy, Board Member, State Water Resources Control Board

  • A. Funding status
  • B. Consideration of adoption of Interim Funding, Project Selection, and Application Guidelines
  • C. Long-term project objectives

7. Pilot projects

  • A. Consideration of the California Derelict Fishing Gear Removal Pilot Project, and possible: 1) determination that it is a high priority project, and 2) authorization for the Council’s Secretary to take actions needed to provide up to $300,000 for its planning or implementation.
  • B. Consideration of the Channel Islands Marine Protected Areas Remotely Operated Vehicle Monitoring Program, and possible: 1) determination that it is a high priority project, and 2) authorization for the Council’s Secretary to take actions needed to provide up to $765,000 for its planning or implementation.
  • C. Consideration of the Klamath River Sediment Study, and possible: 1) determination that it is a high priority project, and 2) authorization for the Council’s Secretary to take actions needed to provide up to $350,000 for its planning or implementation.
  • D. Consideration of the Eelgrass and Native Oyster Restoration Project in San Francisco Bay, and possible: 1) determination that it is a high priority project, and 2) authorization for the Council’s Secretary to take actions needed to provide up to $350,000 for its planning or implementation.

8. Discussion of once-through cooling systems in power plants
Paul Richins, Energy Commission

9. Ocean action plan implementation

  • A. Draft Ocean and Coastal Information, Research, and Outreach Strategy (Action 4)
    Brian Baird, Assistant Secretary for Ocean and Coastal Policy, Resources Agency
    Leah Akins, Ocean and Coastal Policy Analyst, Resources Agency
  • B. Planning, readiness, and coordination of oil spill response (Action 2)
    Carl Moore, Administrator, Office of Oil Spill Prevention and Response
  • C. Coastal Sediment Management Master Plan (Ongoing Actions)
    George Domurat, Operations/Regulatory Team Leader, South Pacific Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
    Kim Sterrett, Public Beach Restoration Program Manager, Department of Boating and Waterways
  • D. Education and Environment Initiative, AB 1548 (Action 5)
    Andrea Lewis, Assistant Secretary, Cal/EPA
    Gerald Lieberman, Principal Consultant for the Education and Environment Initiative, Cal/EPA
  • E. Marine debris: overview of issues and current state and local efforts (Action 13)
    Chris Parry, Public Education Program Manager, California Coastal Commission
    Dominic Gregorio, Senior Environmental Scientist Ocean Unit, State Water Resources Control Board Steve Aceti, Executive Director, California Coastal Coalition

10. Next Steps
Council members

Federal affairs (background materials)

Funding discussion (action items)

Pilot projects (action items)

Ocean Action Plan implementation (briefing materials)

Public Comment

June 10 meeting minutes adopted by the council 9-23-2005

Categories: OPC Meetings