The California Ocean Litter Strategy Project

This webpage provides information on the implementation of the California Ocean Litter Strategy. The Ocean Litter Strategy was jointly developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Marine Debris Program and the California Ocean Protection Council. The Ocean Litter Strategy outlines actions that stakeholders and OPC can take from 2018 through 2024 to prevent and reduce ocean litter in California.

During the development of the Ocean Litter Strategy, participants agreed to the following implementation structure:

  • Every six months: Check-in webinars or conference calls
  • Every two years: In-person meetings to assess progress and address challenges in Strategy implementation
  • After six years: Update the Strategy

This site includes information on Strategy implementation, progress reporting, and how to get involved. If you would like to receive emails about the implementation process and upcoming webinars or events, please subscribe to OPC’s general email announcements and California Ocean Litter Strategy project email announcements (hosted by NOAA Marine Debris Program). 

Related Webpages

About the Strategy & Agency Leads

Project Resources

Photo of plastic pollution on the beach

Photo Credit: Sonoma Coast Surfrider

Project Updates

California Ocean Litter Strategy Webinar

A California Ocean Litter Strategy webinar was held on July 10, 2024:

The webinar included presentations by:

  • California Department of Fish and Wildlife on abandoned and lost fishing gear;
  • UCSB Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory on a modeling tool to combat plastic pollution;
  • Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research on a recent study examining global producer responsibility for plastic pollution; and
  • Surfrider Foundation and California Product Stewardship Council on recent policy announcements.

Past meeting recordings and webinar slides are available on the Project Resources page. 

Ocean Litter Strategy Workgroup Updates

The Ocean Litter Strategy Stakeholders have developed workgroups centering around each of the six goals in the Strategy. There are no upcoming workgroup meetings; information about future workgroup activities will be posted here.

For more information, please contact Christine Sur ( and Christy Kehoe (