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December 6, 2010

Moss Landing Fisheries Market Project

In November, 2007, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML) purchased property in Moss Landing Harbor occupied by a wetfish offloader to provide a permanent home for the NSF (National Science Foundation) owned Research Vessel Point Sur.  This site is also home […]

Categories: Aquaculture
December 3, 2010

San Francisco Fishermen’s Wharf Seafood Market

The fishing community at Fisherman’s Wharf has provided seafood to area residents for more than a century.  On average, over 3 million pounds of fish per year are landed in San Francisco, making it one of the major seafood ports […]

Categories: Aquaculture
October 26, 2010

San Luis Obispo Sustainable Fisheries Support

In 2006, the commercial fishing industry in San Luis Obispo County had been hard hit economically as a result of dramatic changes in government regulations and market forces. Increased competition from abroad and new regulations at home, including no-trawl fishing […]

Categories: Aquaculture, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems
August 23, 2010

San Diego Sea Urchin Fishery Project

In 2006, OPC awarded a grant to the San Diego Watermen’s Association (SDWA) to assist the sea urchin fishery in San Diego in its efforts to build long-term sustainability.  The SDWA effort focused on three activities which were considered critical […]

Categories: Aquaculture, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems
August 22, 2010

Collaborative Fisheries Research Organization

Collaborative Fisheries Research Collaborative fisheries research (CFR) involves creating partnerships among fisheries stakeholders (commercial and recreational fishermen, university scientists and fisheries scientists, coastal managers, NGOs, funders, and tribes) to encourage collaboration on fisheries research design, including defining goals and research […]

Categories: Aquaculture, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems
August 22, 2010

California Aquaculture Programmatic EIR

Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 30411(e) required the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) to prepare programmatic environmental impact reports (PEIRs) for both coastal and inland commercial aquaculture projects. DFG contracted for the preparation of the draft environmental documents in […]

Categories: Aquaculture, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems
August 17, 2010

OPC-DFG Joint Work Plan

Background California’s 2006 Budget Act appropriated $8 million to the California Ocean Protection Council for the implementation of the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) and Marine Life Management Act (MLMA). The Budget Act called for these funds to be expended […]

Categories: Aquaculture, Marine Protected Areas, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems
May 26, 2010

Central Coast Groundfish Project

The Central Coast Groundfish Project (CCGP) is an innovative endeavor being spearheaded by The Nature Conservancy (TNC).  The goal of the CCGP is to establish a community-based fishing institution that can provide for the long-term ecological and economic sustainability of […]

Categories: Aquaculture, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems
March 24, 2010

California Sustainable Seafood Initiative

Assembly Bill 1217 (Monning, 2009), requires the Ocean Protection Council to develop and implement a voluntary seafood promotion program for California fisheries. The intent of AB 1217 is to encourage California fisheries to seek certification in accordance with internationally accepted […]

Categories: Aquaculture, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems
January 12, 2010

California Fisheries Fund

Project Summary The California Fisheries Fund (CFF) was established in 2008 to provide a stable, accessible source of capital to support California’s evolving harbor communities. Administration of the fund has transitioned from the Environmental Defense Fund to California FarmLink. CFF […]

Categories: Aquaculture