California’s coastal and marine habitats are among the most diverse and productive ecosystems on the planet. From sandy beaches, wetlands, and eelgrass beds to kelp forests, rocky intertidal zones, and deep ocean waters, these habitats support incredible biodiversity and vital coastal economies. However, they face mounting threats from climate change, rising sea levels, and human activity.
Through innovative programs, partnerships, and a focus on implementing OPC 2020-2025 Strategic Plan, OPC is working to protect, restore, and build resilience in these critical habitats, ensuring they thrive for future generations.
Current Programs
Coastal Habitats
California’s 1,100-mile coastline includes wetlands, sandy beaches, and eelgrass beds ecosystems that support ecosystems and communities. OPC focuses on adaptation and restoration to enhance the resilience of coastal habitats.
Marine Habitats
Extending from kelp forests, rocky intertidal zones, and deep ocean waters, California’s marine ecosystems host diverse species and thriving fisheries. OPC focuses on monitoring and innovative strategies to safeguard marine habitats.
Related Program Updates
To follow OPC’s work on California’s coast and ocean habitats, join us on social media, and sign up for emails.
Staff Contacts
Coastal Habitats
Sree Gopal
Coastal Habitats Program Manager sreeja.gopal@resources.ca.gov
Marine Habitats
Pike Spector
Biodiversity Program Manager pike.spector@resources.ca.gov
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