This webpage was updated on October 21, 2015

Funding for Local Resilience Projects

The Coastal Commission and the Ocean Protection Council have granted $4.5 million to local governments to assess vulnerability to sea-level rise, storms and erosion and update Local Coastal Programs.

The Coastal Conservancy’s Climate Ready Grant Program awarded almost $2 million in its third round of a competitive grant round, with over $17 million in funding requested.

Inter-agency Collaboration

The Coastal and Ocean Working Group of the Climate Action Team (CO-CAT), led by the Ocean Protection Council, is a collaboration of twenty state agencies working on resiliency to coastal storms, erosion and sea-level rise.

California Collaborative on Coastal Resilience/Humboldt Pilot Project

Coastal Resilience Partnership – The Coastal Conservancy, the Coastal Commission, FEMA, and NOAA Coastal Services Center are working to develop and conduct a series of coordinated resilience workshops in coastal counties starting in 2016. These workshops will seek to provide integrated information to county planners about planning for sea level rise, including the Coastal Commission’s Sea Level Rise Guidance, Hazard Mitigation Plans and FEMA Community Rating System.