This webpage was updated on February 28, 2025

Dungeness Crab Task Force

The Dungeness Crab Task Force (DCTF) is a legislatively-mandated advisory body that reviews and evaluates Dungeness crab fishery management measures and provides recommendations to the Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture (Legislature), California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Fish and Game Commission.

The California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) is designated as the body responsible for convening and administering the California Dungeness Crab Task Force (DCTF) pursuant to Fish and Game Code Section 8276.4. The DCTF is directed to review and evaluate Dungeness crab fishery management measures and provide its recommendations to the Legislature, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), and the Fish and Game Commission.

The DCTF is comprised of commercial and recreational fishermen, commercial passenger fishing vessel (CPFV) interests, crab processing interests, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), California Sea Grant, and CDFW. The 17 commercial fishermen are elected by their peers from the same respective port complex and production level. All other members are appointed by OPC.


DCTF’s membership list, and
election and appointment information.

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DCTF meetings are held once or twice per year in compliance with the Bagley-Keene Open Meetings Act. A subcommittee of the DCTF, the Executive Committee, meets up to three times per year.

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DCTF operating procedures (including the charter, public comment guidelines, and agenda requests) and reports are available.

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Dungeness Crab Fishery Updates

Visit the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for the latest commercial and recreational Dungeness crab fishery information.

Meetings and Announcements

DCTF is a legislatively-mandated advisory body that reviews and evaluates Dungeness crab fishery management measures and provides recommendations to the Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Fish and Game Commission (FGC). View the Meeting page for more DCTF and Executive Committee meeting information and archives.


Please direct all questions and comments to 

Rachelle Fisher, MAS
Strategic Earth Consulting 

Katie Cieri
Ocean Protection Council

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