Coastal Sediment Management

The California Coastal Sediment Management Workgroup (CSMW), a collaborative taskforce consisting of federal, state, and local agencies and non-governmental organizations is working to address coastal sediment (e.g., sand) management problems in California through the development of a State Sediment Master Plan (SMP) and the implementation of regional sediment management (RSM). The CSMW is co-chaired by the California Natural Resources Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. RSM systematically addresses sediment supply and imbalances on a regional basis rather than attempting to resolve sediment problems on a site-specific location/project. In addition, RSM optimizes the beneficial reuse of sediment by recognizing that sediment is a valuable resource rather than a waste material. For example, beneficial reuse can play an instrumental role in providing sand for restoring eroded beaches. The Sediment Master Plan (SMP) is a compilation of tools, strategies and informational documents designed to assist and guide coastal planners and managers and others in implementing regional sediment management (RSM) throughout the California Coast. Over the last 10 years state and federal agencies have spent several million dollars to develop the SMP which is slated to be completed by the end of 2016. More information on RSM and the CSMW can be found at here.