This webpage was updated on February 28, 2018

Film Screening and Panel Discussion Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Film Screening (10:00 – 10:45)
Into the Gyre – Directed by Scott Elliot
Panel Presentations and Discussion (10:45 – 11:15)

Panelists :
Eben Schwartz, Outreach Manager, California Coastal Commission
Cynthia Dunn, Senior Environmental Scientist, CalRecycle
Dr. Emilia DeForce, Research Associate, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Please join us for a free screening of Into the Gyre followed by a panel discussion on the science and policy of marine debris and trash management. This event is an opportunity to learn about the science of trash and plastic pollution in ocean gyres and what action California is taking to reduce trash pollution.

Download the program brochure

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