Ocean Protection Council Meeting, June 28, 2013

Agenda for OPC Meeting and Subsequent Workshop on Marine Debris
Friday, June 28, 2013

10:00 am to 12:00 pm OPC Meeting

12:30pm to 2:30 pm Workshop on Marine Debris
Coastal Hearing Room
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA

John Laird, Secretary for Natural Resources, Council Chair
Matt Rodriquez, Secretary for Environmental Protection
Gavin Newsom, Lieutenant Governor, Chair of the State Lands Commission
Fran Pavley, State Senator
Toni Atkins, State Assemblymember
Geraldine Knatz, Public Member
Michael Brown, Public Member

  1. Welcome and Council Member Announcements
    Secretary Laird, Council Chair
  2. Report from the Executive Director
    Cat Kuhlman, Executive Director, OPC
  3. Report from the Science Advisor
    Skyli McAfee, Executive Director, California Ocean Science Trust


4. Approval of minutes from the June 12, 2013 teleconferenced meeting of the OPC.
Cat Kuhlman, Executive Director, OPC

5. Ocean Science Trust: Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $5,700,000 to the California Ocean Science Trust to facilitate the integration of science into state ocean resource management and support scientific monitoring of the state’s marine protected areas.
Clare O’Reilly, Project Manager, OPC

     Exhibit 1: California Ocean Science Trust : Progress Report, October 2009 through September 2012

     Exhibit 2: Ocean Protection Council Staff Recommendation: “California Ocean Science Trust: Building Scientific Capacity”

     Exhibit 3: Ocean Protection Council Staff Recommendation: “Statewide Marine Protected Area Monitoring Program”

     Exhibit 4: Ocean Protection Council Staff Recommendation: “Future Marine Protected Area Baseline Data Collection: Ensuring Data Collection for All Regions”

     Exhibit 5: Ocean Protection Council Staff Recommendation: “Statewide Science Integration and Marine Protected Area Monitoring Programs”

      Exhibit 6: Letters of Support

6. Ocean Acidification: Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $375,000 to the Southern California Water Research Project and UCLA to perform integrated modeling of the U.S. West Coast and Southern California Bight.
Cat Kuhlman, Executive Director, OPC

     Exhibit 1: State of Washington Blue Ribbon Panel Report

     Exhibit 2: Letters of Support

7. Delegation of Authority: Consideration of delegation of authority to the Executive Director.
Cat Kuhlman, Executive Director, OPC

     Exhibit 1: Ocean Protection Council Delegations to its Executive Director

     Exhibit 1: Ocean Protection Council Delegations to its Executive Director (as approved – clean)

     Exhibit 1: Ocean Protection Council Delegations to its Executive Director (as approved – tracked changes)


8. Introduction to the California Shellfish Initiative: Overview of California shellfish aquaculture and discussion of the next steps for formulating the California Shellfish Initiative.
OPC staff and Randy Lovell, State Aquaculture Coordinator California Department of Fish and Wildlife

9. Sea-Level Rise Outreach Strategy: Presentation of an outreach strategy for the updated Sea-Level Rise Guidance Document.
Abe Doherty, Project Specialist, OPC

     Exhibit 1 State of California Sea-level Rise Guidance Document (March 2013)

     Exhibit 2 Outreach Strategy for State of California Updated Sea-level Rise Guidance Document

10. Update on the California Coastal Geoportal: Presentation on progress for development of a dedicated website for California’s marine and coastal datasets.
Laura Engeman, OPC Project Manager and Clare O’Reilly, OPC Project Manager

11. Public Comment on non-agenda items

12. Arrangements for Next Meeting and Adjournment
Next Meeting will be August 29, 2013

12:30pm – 2:30pm

This informational workshop provides an opportunity for key actors working on the issue of marine debris to share their work, identify gaps and provide recommendations on what the state as well as the Ocean Protection Council can do to increase collaboration and address these needs.

I.     Presentations

               California State Agencies

               1. Summary of “Marine Debris: A Snapshot of Work in California”.

                   Amanda Sackett, CA Sea Grant State Fellow, Ocean Protection Council

                   Miho Umezawa, Project Manager, Ocean Protection Council

               2. Shannon Waters, Volunteer Programs Coordinator – Public Education

                    Program, California Coastal Commission

               3. Johanna Weston, Environmental Scientist – Ocean Standards Unit,

                    State Water Resources Control Board

               Non-Governmental Organizations

               1. Leslie Tamminen, Facilitator, Clean Seas Coalition

               2. George Leonard, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Ocean Conservancy

                   Nicholas Mallos, Conservation Biologist, Marine Debris Specialist, Ocean



               1. Rachel Oster, Director of External Affairs, Recology

               2. TBD

II.       Public Comment

III.     Summation and Next Steps

            Cat Kuhlman, Executive Director, Ocean Protection Council

Agenda items may be re-ordered at the discretion of the council chair.

Please fill out a Request to Speak card to provide public comment on non-agenda items or on a specific agenda item. Comment on agenda items will be taken following each item.

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed Joanna Stone (916) 653-9710 or joanna.stone@resources.ca.gov. Written public comment must be received before 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 26 to be included in the materials provided to the council prior to the meeting. Comments may be sent by email to: joanna.stone@resources.ca.gov

Any person who has a disability and requires accommodation to participate in this council meeting should contact Ms. Stone no later than five days prior to meeting.

Categories: OPC Meetings