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OPC Meeting – April 17, 2007


April 17, 2007
12:00 p.m.

Beach Resort Monterey
Point Cabrillo Room
2600 Sand Dunes Drive Monterey, CA


Mike Chrisman, Secretary for Resources, Council Chair
Linda Adams, Secretary for Environmental Protection
John Garamendi, Lieutenant Governor, Chair of the State Lands Commission
Pedro Nava, State Assemblymember
Darrell Steinberg, State Senator


1. Welcome and council member announcements
Mike Chrisman, Secretary for Resources, Council Chair

2. PANEL: Regional Ocean Governance
Moderated by Mike Chrisman, Secretary for Resources, Council Chair

Objective: Panelists will engage in a discussion with the council about the West Coast Governors Agreement on Ocean Health and the recently released discussion paper. Following the presentations and question/answer period, the council will hear public comment on the issue.
Introduction: Leon Panetta, Co-Chair of the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative

Panelist Presentations:
Brian Baird, California Assistant Secretary, Ocean and Coastal Policy
Jessica Hamilton, Oregon’s Governor’s Office, Natural Resource Policy Advisor
Brian Lynn, Washington Department of Ecology
Gerhard Kuska, White House Council on Environmental Quality

OPC staff recommendations on the West Coast Governors Agreement discussion paper
Drew Bohan, Executive Policy Officer, Ocean Protection Council

3. ACTION: Consideration to allow a voting representative for absent council members for this meeting pursuant to the council’s operating procedures

4. Implementation of the directives in the council’s Resolution for Reducing and Preventing Marine Debris

a) Update on Marine Debris Steering Committee
Eben Schwartz, Chair, Marine Debris Steering Committee, California Coastal Commission

b) Update on enforcement
Reed Sato, Director for the Office of Enforcement, State Water Resources Control Board
Jonathan Bishop, Region 4, Regional Water Quality Control Board
Raissa Lerner, Deputy Attorney General

5. Public comment on non-agenda items* (written comments)

6. PRESENTATION: California Education and the Environment Initiative
Andrea Lewis, California Environmental Protection Agency

7. Report from the Executive Policy Officer
Drew Bohan, Executive Policy Officer, Ocean Protection Council
a. OPC progress toward strategic objectives

8. Report from the council Secretary
Sam Schuchat, Executive Officer, State Coastal Conservancy, Council Secretary

a. ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of Environmental Review Objectives, Criteria and Procedures

b. Update on the status of current projects

c. Legislative update

9. Report from the Science Advisor
Amber Mace, Executive Director, California Ocean Science Trust, Council Science Advisor

10. Adjournment

* Please fill out a Request to Speak card to provide public comment on non-agenda items or on a specific agenda item. Comment on agenda items will be taken following each item.

OPC Benthic Mapping Presentation:
A presentation by Rikk Kvitek on benthic mapping will take place April 17, from 9:00-10:00 a.m. at the Beach Resort Monterey, Alones Room. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
**The previously scheduled boat trip will not take place.**

Note: Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Carmen Estrada-Polley at (510) 286-1015.

Categories: OPC Meetings