Ocean Protection Council Meeting — February 13, 2019, Sacramento

OPC Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, February 13, 2019 1:00 pm
Natural Resources Agency Auditorium
1416 9th Street, Sacramento, California 95814


Wade Crowfoot, Secretary for Natural Resources, Council Chair
Jared Blumenfeld, Secretary for Environmental Protection
Eleni Kounalakis, Lieutenant Governor, Chair of the State Lands Commission
Ben Allen, State Senator
Mark Stone, State Assemblymember
Michael Brown, Public Member
Jordan Diamond, Public Member

1. Welcome, Introductions and Council Member Announcements
Secretary Crowfoot, Council Chair

2. Report from Legal Counsel
Heather Baugh, Legal Counsel

3. Report from the Executive Director
Deborah Halberstadt, Executive Director

4. Report from the Science Advisor
Liz Whiteman, Executive Director, Ocean Science Trust

5. Report from the Ocean Protection Council Science Advisory Team
Gretchen Hofmann, Chair, Ocean Protection Council Science Advisory Team

6. Public Comment on non-agenda items

7. Arrangements for Next Meeting and Adjournment
May 15, 1-4 pm, Natural Resources Building Auditorium, Sacramento


Agenda items may be re-ordered at the discretion of the council chair.

Please fill out a Request to Speak card to provide public comment on non-agenda items or on a specific agenda item. Comment on agenda items will be taken following each item. Comments may be sent by email to: COPCpublic@resources.ca.gov. Written public comment must be received by 5 pm on February 11, 2019 to be included in the materials provided to the council at the meeting. Materials received after that date will be distributed to the council at the beginning of the meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted at the meeting.

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Jenn Eckerle at (916) 654-9055 or jenn.eckerle@resources.ca.gov.

Any person who has a disability and requires accommodation to participate in this council meeting should contact Ms. Eckerle no later than five days prior to the meeting.

Categories: OPC Meetings