Dungeness Crab Task Force Meetings – October 16-18, 2017 – Conference Call
Due to recent wildfires impacting California, the DCTF meeting will not be held in Ukiah, CA. The meeting will convene via conference call and webinar.
Participation details are listed below.
Meeting Agenda
Monday, October 16, 2017 at 8:30 AM
Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 8:00 AM
Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 8:00 AM
Dial-in Number: 424-228-8722 | No PIN needed
Available meeting materials are linked throughout the agenda
To download meeting materials, visit www.opc.ca.gov/2009/04/dungeness-crab-task-force/ and scroll down to “DCTF Meeting #7 – October 16-18, 2017 – Ukiah”
To view meeting presentations and materials live, visit https://www.uberconference.com/strategicearth
Meeting Goals:
- To receive and discuss updates on the status of the California Dungeness crab fishery and the California commercial Dungeness crab trap limit program.
- To discuss and potentially provide recommendations related to the long-term organizational structure, funding, and operations of an industry-representative body to inform the management and address priorities of the Dungeness crab fishery beyond 2019.
- To discuss and potentially provide recommendations to update, extend, amend, remove, etc. sunsetting Fish and Game Code sections as they relate to the California Dungeness crab fishery.
- To identify recommendations to be forwarded to the Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture, California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), and the Fish and Game Commission via the Dungeness Crab Task Force’s (DCTF) January 15, 2018 report.
Monday, October 16, 2017 8:30am
- Welcome, introductions, agenda review
- Update on the California commercial Dungeness crab trap limit program evaluation, including a presentation of data related to the California Dungeness crab fishery. DCTF discussions may include, but will not be limited to, evaluation and review of commercial Dungeness crab fishery and trap limit program, status of the Dungeness Crab Account, concerns associated with trap tags, and addressing program function. Speakers: Christy Juhasz, CDFW
Presentation: Click here to view
Materials: Options & Considerations: Commercial Dungeness Crab Trap Limit Program
ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of recommendation(s) related to the commercial Dungeness crab trap limit program including, but not limited to, monitoring and evaluation of the commercial Dungeness crab trap limit program, management of the Dungeness Crab Account, issuing of trap tags, etc.
- Discussion of Legislative needs related to sunsetting Fish and Game code sections relevant to the California Dungeness crab fishery (i.e. Fish and Game Code Sections 8276-8280.6) including, but not limited to, the process for reauthorizing code sections with or without DCTF input, identification of code sections that require clarification, amendments, or deletion, and recommendations to address identified needs.
Materials: List of Sunsetting Fish and Game Codes; Proposed Redline of Sunsetting Fish and Game Codes
ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of recommendation(s) related to Fish and Game code sections including, but not limited to, those related to limited entry, crab quality testing, etc.
- Discuss options for maintaining the structure of the fleet including, but not limited to, length restrictions associated with permits, standardizing documented vessel lengths, etc.
Materials: Options & Considerations: Vessel Lengths
ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of recommendation(s) related to clarifying, amending, or eliminating Fish and Game code sections related to permit transfers and vessel lengths including, but not limited to, permit transfers, standardizing and documenting vessel lengths, policies on the lengthening/widening of vessels, etc.
- Continue the DCTF’s 2016 discussion of establishing an industry-representative organization for the Dungeness crab fishery to inform Dungeness crab fishery management and address other industry priorities beyond the DCTF’s sunset in 2019. DCTF discussions may include, but will not be limited to, incorporation status, structure, funding, and other operational considerations.
Materials: Options & Considerations: DCTF Beyond 2019; Considerations for Establishing an Industry-Representative Organization; DRAFT Decision Tree: Establishing a California Dungeness Crab Industry-led Organization
ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of recommendation(s) to establish a long-term Dungeness crab industry-representative organization, including, but not limited to, the organization’s incorporation status, structure, funding, other operational considerations, etc. Note: Action may be postponed until Day 3 (October 18).
- General public comment
- Adjourn
Tuesday, October 17, 2017 8:00am
- Welcome and recap of Day 1
- Review of 2015-16 and 2016-17 delayed California Dungeness crab fishery openers as a result of elevated levels of domoic acid. Discussion will focus on developing recommendations to clarify or amend the Fish and Game Code to improve the safety and orderliness of season openers under delayed conditions. Discussion topics may include, but will not be limited to, 30-day fair start clauses, presoak periods, and CDFW’s ability to delay an opener once the California Department of Public Health declares an area “safe.” Conversation will include updates from CDFW on the status domoic acid and pre-season crab quality testing.
Materials: Options & Considerations: Operating Under Delayed Conditions
ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of recommendation(s) related to clarifying and amending Fish and Game code sections related to 30-day fair start clauses, presoak periods, openers following a public health delay, etc.
- WORKING LUNCH: Presentation and update on the status and next steps of CDFW’s efforts to implement the California Dungeness crab lost fishing gear recovery program as outlined in Senate Bill 1287, including timing of implementation, framework, costs associated with the program, etc.
Materials: SeaDoc Society Scoping Report: Proposed California Department of Fish and Wildlife Dungeness Crab Gear Retrieval Program; Draft CDFW Gear Retrieval Program Outline; CDFW Update to the DCTF: Lost/Abandoned Gear Retrieval Program; HMBSMA: Lost Gear Recovery- Proposal for Implementation of SB 1287
ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of recommendation(s) to provide guidance to CDFW and others to inform the development of the California Dungeness crab lost fishing gear recovery program.
- Presentations and discussion on the status of whale entanglements in the Dungeness crab fishery, including, but not limited to, the efforts of the California Dungeness Crab Fishing Gear Working Group to reduce the risk of whale entanglements and pilot projects planned for the 2017-18 fishing season.
Materials: 2017-18 Best Fishing Practices Guide; Dungeness Crab Fishing Gear Working Group Fact Sheet; Dungeness Crab Fishing Gear Working Group: Draft Management Measures Toolbox Guiding Principles; California Dungeness Crab Fishing Gear Working Group: Statement of Research Priorities
ACTION: Consideration and possible support for the Dungeness Crab Fishing Gear Working Group’s efforts to-date and 2017-18 Working Group recommendations/next steps. Guidance on ideas for the Working Group’s consideration and other items may also be provided.
- General public comment
- Adjourn
Wednesday, October 18, 2017 8:00am
- Welcome and recap of Day 2
- Continued discussion of an industry-representative organization for the Dungeness crab fishery.
Materials: Options & Considerations: DCTF Beyond 2019; Considerations for Establishing an Industry-Representative Organization; DRAFT Decision Tree: Establishing a California Dungeness Crab Industry-led Organization
ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of recommendation(s) regarding a long-term Dungeness crab industry-representative organization, including, but not limited to, the organization’s incorporation status, structure, funding, other operational considerations, etc.
- WORKING LUNCH: Continued discussion of outstanding issues remaining from October 16-18, 2017.
Materials: List of Sunsetting Fish and Game Codes; Proposed Redline of Sunsetting Fish and Game Codes; Options & Considerations: Vessel Lengths; Options & Considerations: Operating Under Delayed Conditions
ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of recommendation(s) related to re-authorization of or amendments to sunsetting Fish and Game Code sections including, but not limited to, those sections related to crab quality testing, season delays, presoak periods, the commercial Dungeness crab trap limit program, 30-day fair start provisions, limited entry, qualifications to own a Dungeness crab vessel permit, Dungeness crab vessel permit measurement and transfers, the California Dungeness crab lost fishing gear recovery program, and other sunsetting Fish and Game code sections.
- Conversation of current commercial Dungeness crab fishing regulations including, but not limited to, waivers to allow retrieval of more than six untagged or derelict traps by a any vessel (permitted or not permitted) in-season and the “96-hour rule.”**
Materials: Options & Considerations: In-Season Waivers 6+ Traps
ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of recommendation(s) related to waivers to allow retrieval of more than six untagged or derelict traps by a any vessel (permitted or not permitted) in-season and modifications to the “96-hour rule.”
- General public comment
- Next steps
- Adjourn
*Agenda items may be taken out of order at the discretion of the DCTF Administrative Team.
**Every effort will be made to address all items on the agenda. However, due to time limitations, the DCTF may need to postpone the discussion of waivers for six untagged or derelict traps and the “96-hour” rule until a subsequent meeting.
Limited copies of meeting materials will be provided at the meeting and will be posted to the DCTF website as soon as they are available.
Public Participation and Comment: Members of the public will be invited to provide comment following each agenda item; an opportunity to provide public comment on non-agenda topics will also be made available on each day of the meeting. To provide public comment, please fill out a “Request to Speak” card, which will be located at the entrance to the meeting room.
Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to info@dungenesscrabtaskforce.com or 805-845-9852. Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this DCTF meeting should contact Rachelle Fisher (rachelle@strategicearth.com or 805-845-9852) no later than five days prior to meeting.
For more information about the DCTF and a meeting summary please visit the DCTF website at https://opc.ca.gov/2009/04/dungeness-crab-task-force/