This webpage was updated on October 9, 2023

Offshore Wind Environmental Monitoring Guidance – Grant Awarded

Update October 2023

We are thrilled to announce that the California Marine Sanctuary Foundation (CMSF) has been selected as the recipient of the project to develop comprehensive offshore wind environmental monitoring guidance. The guidance will serve as a valuable resource for regulators, developers, and various stakeholders involved in offshore wind projects in California to ensure that environmental impacts of offshore wind development are properly monitored, evaluated, and mitigated throughout the project’s lifecycle. We are excited to see the impact that this project will have on building sustainable offshore wind development in California and look forward to working with CMSF and its project partners throughout the grant period.



May 2023

OPC is seeking applications to develop comprehensive environmental monitoring guidance for offshore wind development in California. The primary goal of this guidance document is to provide a clear and practical resource for regulators, developers, and other stakeholders involved in offshore wind projects in California to ensure that environmental impacts of offshore wind development are properly monitored, evaluated, and mitigated throughout the project lifecycle.

See the Request for Proposals for details of this funding opportunity. Applicants must use the proposal template (MS Word .docx)

View the fact sheet (Updated June 22, 2023) for commonly asked questions. The answers in the fact sheet are considered final and correct. Applicants are encouraged to use it as a reference before reaching out with additional inquiries.

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Categories: Funding Opportunities and Updates, Offshore Wind, Strategic Goal 4: Sustainable Blue Economy