Coastal Environmental Justice Solicitation Office Hours on April 14

OPC staff will be available for virtual “office hours” using a webinar format to answer questions from prospective applicants and provide technical assistance. Office hours are scheduled for April 14, 2021 from 2:00-3:30 PM. The Office Hours webinar will be conducted as an open Q&A session and speakers are limited to 5-7 minutes to allow time for others to ask questions. If you need more time to ask specific questions on your project, you may request a 15-minute pre-consultation meeting when registering for the Office Hours Webinar. Please fill out this form to register for the Office Hours Webinar and/or request an individual pre-consultation meeting: OPC Prop 1 Solicitation: Office Hours Webinar Registration Form.

For more information on OPC’s Coastal Environmental Justice Solicitation, please see the Prop 1 Webpage. Letters of intent are due April 23, 2021.

Categories: Equity and Environmental Justice, Funding Opportunities and Updates, Strategic Goal 2: Equity