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Dungeness Crab Task Force Meeting #12 – March 17-18, 2021 – Teleconference

Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 9:00 AM
Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 9:00 AM

Join WebEx: | Meeting #: 182 758 5532 | Password: dctf
Call-in option: (415) 655-0001 | Meeting #: 182 758 5532 | Password: 3283

Meeting materials available at:
(scroll down to “DCTF Meeting #12 – March 17-18, 2021 Teleconference”)

WebEx set-up information is available here .

Meeting Goals

  • Receive updates relevant to the Dungeness crab industry and ensure all Members have access to information that may inform DCTF deliberations during this meeting.
  • Discuss high priority topics identified by the DCTF Executive Committee including, but not limited to, DCTF voting structure, fair start provisions, a permit transfer provision, crab possession and allowance, and selling crab with a waiver.
  • Discuss the development of letters in response to Senate Bill 80 and Assembly Bill 534.
  • Identify recommendations to be forwarded via a report to the Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture, California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), and the Fish and Game Commission.


Wednesday, March 17, 2021 — 9:00am – 4:00pm

1. Welcome, introductions, and agenda review.

2. Public comment on non-agenda items.

3. Receive updates on topics related to the California commercial Dungeness crab fishery. May include updates from CDFW, the Ocean Protection Council, Legislative staff, and others.

4. Review options discussed by the Executive Committee and revisit and confirm the DCTF voting structure and minimum participation requirements to improve the DCTF’s ability to convene and advance priorities.

ACTION: Consideration and possible recommendations related to amending Fish and Game Code §8276.4 and §8276.5, including but not limited to identifying a consistent number of DCTF Members required to advance an affirmative vote.

5. Receive updates from CDFW on the issue of entanglements, including recent updates to large whale population estimates, and revisit the discussion and straw poll from the October 2020 DCTF meeting regarding the application of fair start to season delays as a result of the Risk Assessment and Mitigation Program (RAMP) regulations.

ACTION: Consideration and possible recommendations related to amending Fish and Game Code §8979.1, including but not limited to expanding the application of fair start to apply to delays due to elevated risk of marine life entanglements.

6. Discuss the provision in Fish and Game Code § 8280.3 requiring previous permitholders to be included on a permit for a minimum of 1 year.

ACTION: Consideration and possible recommendations related to amending Fish and Game Code § 8280.3 , including but not limited to adjusting the 1-year requirement for previous permitholders to be included on a permit.

7. Discuss possession and allowance of sublegal and female Dungeness crab crab while actively fishing and sorting including but not limited, receiving updates on recent conversations on the topic with the Executive Committee and others.

ACTION: Consideration and possible recommendations related to clarifying allowances for the possession of sublegal and female Dungeness crab while servicing gear including but not limited to recommended amendments to Fish and Game Code §8278. 

8. Review agenda topics for Day 2

9. Adjourn


Thursday, March 18, 2021 — 9:00am – 1:00pm

10. Welcome and recap of Day 1.

11. General public comment on non-agenda items.

12. Review options discussed by the Executive Committee regarding the ability to sell crab when retrieving gear with an in-season waiver.

ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of recommendations related to amending the California Code of Regulations Title 14 section 132.2 (a)(2)(B), including but not limited to the ability to sell crab when retrieving gear with an in-season waiver.

13. Discuss the development of DCTF letters in support and/or opposition of Senate Bill 80 and Assembly Bill 534.

ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of letters of recommendation and/or opposition related to SB 80 and AB 534.

14. Revisit any Day 1 agenda items that require subsequent action.

15. Review next steps

16. Adjourn

*Agenda items and related action items may be taken out of order at the discretion of the DCTF Administrative Team. Every effort will be made to address all items on the agenda. However, the DCTF may postpone certain discussions or actions due to time limitations or the need to revisit topics with their constituents before moving an item forward.

Limited copies of meeting materials will be provided at the meeting and will be posted to the DCTF website as soon as they are available.

Public Participation and Comment: Members of the public will be invited to provide comment following each agenda item. Additional information about providing public comment is available online at . To request an item to  be added to a future meeting agenda, please review the guidelines online: .

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to or 805-845-9852. Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this DCTF meeting should contact Rachelle Fisher ( or 805-845-9852) no later than five days prior to the meeting.

For more information about the DCTF and a meeting summary please visit the DCTF website at .

Categories: Dungeness Crab Task Force, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems