Ocean Protection Council Meeting — April 24, 2018
OPC Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
1:00 pm
Natural Resource Building Auditorium
1416 Ninth St., Sacramento, CA 95814
John Laird, Secretary for Natural Resources, Council Chair
Matt Rodriquez, Secretary for Environmental Protection
Betty Yee, Chair of the State Lands Commission
Robert Hertzberg, State Senator
Mark Stone, State Assemblymember
Michael Brown, Public Member
1. Welcome and Council Member Announcements
Secretary Laird, Council Chair
2. Report from the Executive Director
Deborah Halberstadt, Executive Director
3. Action Item: Discussion and Possible Action Opposing the Streamlining Environmental Approvals Act of 2017 (SEA Act, H.R. 3133) and the Strengthening the Economy with Critical Untapped Resources to Expand American Energy Act (SECURE American Energy Act, H.R. 4239)
Chris Potter, Program Manager
4. Action Item: Consideration of Authorization to Disburse Proposition 84 Funds
a. Sustainable Fisheries POSTPONED
Enhancing Sustainability of Fisheries and Fishing Communities through Innovation: A California Track of Fish 2.0
Paige Berube, Program Manager
b. Climate Change
Climate Change Effects on Natural Sediment Transport to the Coast: Implications for Coastal Management
Chris Potter, Program Manager
c. Marine Pollution
Screening and Identification of Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Southern California Bight
Holly Wyer, Program Manager
5. Informational Item: Scientific Presentation on Ocean Litter
George Leonard, Chief Scientist, Ocean Conservancy
6. Action Item: Consideration and Adoption of California’s Ocean Litter Prevention Strategy
Holly Wyer, Program Manager
- Exhibit A: California Ocean Litter Prevention Strategy: Addressing Marine Debris from Source to Sea
- Written Comments Received Prior to Meeting
- Written Comments Received During the Meeting
7. Discussion Item: Next Steps on Sea-Level Rise Guidance Implementation
Tinya Hoang, Program Manager
8. Public Comment on non-agenda items
9. Arrangements for Next Meeting and Adjournment
July 25, 2018, 1-4 pm, Natural Resources Building auditorium, Sacramento
Agenda items may be re-ordered at the discretion of the council chair.
Please fill out a Request to Speak card to provide public comment on non-agenda items or on a specific agenda item. Comment on agenda items will be taken following each item.
Comments may be sent by email to: COPCpublic@resources.ca.gov. Written public comment must be received by 5 pm on April 20, 2018 to be included in the materials provided to the council at the meeting. Materials received after that date will be distributed to the council at the beginning of the meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted at the meeting.
Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Jenn Eckerle at (916) 654-9055 or jenn.eckerle@resources.ca.gov.
Any person who has a disability and requires accommodation to participate in this council meeting should contact Ms. Eckerle no later than five days prior to the meeting.