Ocean Protection Council Meeting — March 14, 2018


OPC Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
3:00 pm

California Energy Commission, Charles Imbrecht Room
1516 Ninth Street, Sacramento 95814

Remote participation also available at:
University of California, Santa Barbara
Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Bren Hall, Room 4316, Santa Barbara 93106

John Laird, Secretary for Natural Resources, Council Chair
Matt Rodriquez, Secretary for Environmental Protection
Betty Yee, Chair of the State Lands Commission
Robert Hertzberg, State Senator
Mark Stone, State Assemblymember
Michael Brown, Public Member

1. Welcome and Council Member Announcements
Secretary Laird, Council Chair

2. Report from the Executive Director
Deborah Halberstadt, Executive Director

3. Action Item: Adoption of Updated State of California Sea-Level Rise Guidance
Jenn Eckerle, Deputy Director and Jenn Phillips, Program Manager
Dr. Robert Kopp, Professor and Director, Institute of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Rutgers University
Dr. Louise Bedsworth, Deputy Director, Governor’s Office of Planning and Research
Dr. Tiffany Wise-West, Sustainability and Climate Action Coordinator, City of Santa Cruz
Dr. Juliette Finzi-Hart, Oceanographer, U.S. Geological Survey

Exhibit A: State of California Sea-Level Rise Guidance

4. Public Comment on non-agenda items

5. Arrangements for Next Meeting and Adjournment
April 24, 2018, 1-4 pm, Natural Resources Building auditorium, Sacramento.


Agenda items may be re-ordered at the discretion of the council chair.

Please fill out a Request to Speak card to provide public comment on non-agenda items or on a specific agenda item. Comment on agenda items will be taken following each item.

Comments may be sent by email to: COPCpublic@resources.ca.gov. Written public comment must be received by 5 pm on March 9, 2018 to be included in the materials provided to the council at the meeting. Materials received after that date will be distributed to the council at the beginning of the meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted at the meeting.

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Jenn Eckerle at (916) 654-9055 or jenn.eckerle@resources.ca.gov.

Any person who has a disability and requires accommodation to participate in this council meeting should contact Ms. Eckerle no later than five days prior to the meeting.

Categories: OPC Meetings