This webpage was updated on May 7, 2015

Draft Survey Questions for the Sea-level Rise Planning Database


The Ocean Protection Council and California Natural Resources Agency gathered input from stakeholders regarding implementation of AB2516, the Sea-level Rise Planning Database. Comments and feedback on the draft (available below) were incorporated into the final survey which was distributed to entities named in AB2516 in early June 2015.

Draft Survey Questions for the Sea-level Rise Planning Database

Please contact with questions or comments.



The Ocean Protection Council and the California Natural Resources Agency are collecting information from entities named in Public Resources Code Division 20.6 §30961-30968 generated by AB2516 (Gordon) to create the Sea Level Rise Planning Database. These questions are designed to support the following goals:

A. Assess implementation of key state policies, including:

i. Governor Brown’s Executive Order B-30-15;

ii. State of California Sea-level Rise Guidance Document and Ocean Protection Council Resolution on Sea-level Rise (2011); and

iii. Safeguarding California Plan (2014) and Ocean Protection Council Resolution on Implementation of the Safeguarding California Plan (2014).

B. Provide information on sea-level rise planning activities to support coordination, collaboration and prevent redundancy.

C. Assess aspects of successful adaptation: objectives, actions/next steps, capacity, and ability to overcome barriers, decisions, process, and capacity. Capacity is a key aspect of the framework for successful adaptation and the results of the survey can inform legislature and senior administrative leaders.

Categories: Strategic Goal 1: Climate Change