Ocean Protection Council Meeting, December 2, 2014


On December 2, 2014, the Ocean Protection Council will hold its public meeting at the Secretary of State’s Auditorium in Sacramento. The OPC will be acting on items related to the OPC’s Scientific Advisory Team membership, marine protected area management, and grants related to incorporating sea-level rise into Local Coastal Programs. Please note the meeting date has changed from December 3, 2014.

OPC Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
1:00 pm

Secretary of State’s Office – Main Auditorium
1500 11th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

John Laird, Secretary for Natural Resources, Council Chair
Matt Rodriquez, Secretary for Environmental Protection
John Chiang, Chair of the State Lands Commission
Fran Pavley, State Senator
Toni Atkins, State Assemblymember
Geraldine Knatz, Public Member
Michael Brown, Public Member

1. Welcome and Council Member Announcements
Secretary Laird, Council Chair

2. Report from the Executive Director
Cat Kuhlman, Executive Director, OPC

3. Report from the Science Advisor
Skyli McAfee, Executive Director, California Ocean Science Trust


4. Consideration and possible selection of two new members to the Ocean Protection Council Science Advisory Team
Skyli McAfee, Executive Director, California Ocean Science Trust

5. Consideration and possible approval of a resolution supporting the “The California Collaborative Approach: Marine Protected Area Partnership Plan”
Liz Parissenti, Sea Grant Fellow, OPC and Cyndi Dawson, Marine Protected Areas Policy Advisor, OPC

1. Staff Recommendation
2. Proposed Resolution to adopt “The California Collaborative Approach: Marine Protected Areas Partnership Plan
3. Final draft of The California Collaborative Approach: Marine Protected Areas Partnership Plan
4. Public Comment
5. Summer 2014 Public Comment received during drafting of document and how they were addressed
6. Errata Sheet
7. Adopted Resolution regarding the California Collaborative Approach: Marine Protected Areas Partnership Plan
8. Adopted Final Version of “The California Collaborative Approach: Marine Protected Areas Partnership Plan”

6. Consideration and possible selection of grants for the second round of the Local Coastal Program Sea-level Rise Grant Program; consideration of an interagency agreement for the California Coastal Commission to provide administration, technical, and policy integration services for said grants.
Abe Doherty, Climate Change Policy Advisor, OPC

1. Public Comment


7. Update on the California Thank You Ocean Campaign
Miho Umezawa, Project Manager, Thank You Ocean Campaign

8. Public Comment on non-agenda items

9. Arrangements for Next Meeting and Adjournment
Date and location TBD.

Letters of Support received after deadline


Agenda items may be re-ordered at the discretion of the council chair.

Please fill out a Request to Speak card to provide public comment on non-agenda items or on a specific agenda item. Comment on agenda items will be taken following each item.

Comments may be sent by email to: COPCpublic@resources.ca.gov. Written public comment must be received by 4 pm on November 24 to be included in the materials provided to the council at the meeting. Materials received after that date will be distributed to the council at the beginning of the meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted at the meeting.

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Joanna Stone at (916) 653-0537 or joanna.stone@resources.ca.gov.

Any person who has a disability and requires accommodation to participate in this council meeting should contact Ms. Stone no later than five days prior to the meeting.

Categories: OPC Meetings