Summary of Resolutions Passed at the August 27, 2014 OPC Meeting
On August 27, 2014, the California Ocean Protection Council passed two resolutions: one to support the State Water Resource Control Board’s adoption of a trash policy, and one to support implementation of the “Safeguarding California Plan for Reducing Climate Risk.”
Resolution to support the State Water Resources Control Board’s adoption of a Trash Policy
The OPC has worked to address the pervasive problem of marine debris since 2007, when it passed its first resolution to prevent and reduce the amount of trash in our oceans and waterways. On August 27, 2014, the OPC further resolved to support a statewide trash policy from the State Water Resource Control Board (SWRCB), entitled the “Draft Amendments to Statewide Water Quality Control Plans to Control Trash” (Trash Amendments). The Trash Amendments would be the first statewide trash reduction policy in the nation if adopted, and addresses land-based sources of marine debris including industrial outfalls, landfills, littering, dumping, and poor waste management. The OPC also resolved to request monitoring of the trash reduction methods to ensure accountability as California makes strides toward a trash-free ocean.
Resolution on Implementation of the “Safeguarding California Plan for Reducing Climate Risks”
The Safeguarding California Plan for Reducing Climate Risks refines the state’s approach to climate adaptation, and underlines the OPC’s critical role in coordinating across agencies. The Safeguarding Plan provides guidance for how state agencies, and the lands and resources under state jurisdiction, can prepare for climate change including impacts to ocean and coastal resources and ecosystems. Specifically, the August 27 resolution expands the OPC’s 2011 Resolution on Sea-Level Rise by underlining the importance of risk reduction principles. By leveraging partnerships, utilizing the best available science, and engaging stakeholders, the OPC can ensure that the Coastal and Ocean Working Group of the Climate Action Team (CO-CAT) and State Coastal Leadership Group on Sea-Level Rise provide the appropriate guidance for the state’s approach toward reducing risk due to climate change.
OPC Morning Workshop: Sharing Your Perspective on Envisioning California’s Ocean Health
In the morning before the OPC public meeting, the California Ocean Protection Council and California Ocean Science Trust co-hosted a workshop that brought together scientists, decision makers, tribal representatives, and constituents to share perspectives about what ‘ocean health’ means across our diverse coastal communities. The workshop featured six panelists representing various ocean stakeholder groups, as well as a lively audience discussion of how a shared understanding of ‘ocean health’ can inform management and shape our interaction with the ocean.
For more information, please see the morning workshop and public meeting webcast, agenda, and documents at:
For an article about the morning workshop, written by Jennifer Savage, Northcoast Environmental Center’s Coastal Programs Director: