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Ocean Protection Council Meeting, December 16, 2011

Meeting Agenda
Friday, December 16, 2011
11:00am to 3:00pm
Sierra Hearing Room – CalEPA Building
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95812-2815

John Laird, Secretary for Natural Resources, Council Chair
Matt Rodriquez, Secretary for Environmental Protection
Gavin Newsom, Lieutenant Governor, Chair of the State Lands Commission
Susan Golding, Public Member
Geraldine Knatz, Public Member
Fran Pavley, State Senator
Toni Atkins, State Assemblymember

Friday December 16, 2011


1.   Welcome and Council Member Announcements
Secretary Laird, Council Chair

2.  Report from the Executive Director
Amber Mace, Executive Director, OPC

3.  Report from the Secretary
Sam Schuchat, Council Secretary

ACTION:  Consideration and possible approval of an OPC Meeting Schedule for 2012.

4.  Report from the Science Advisor
Skyli McAfee, Executive Director, California Ocean Science Trust


Building off of the Governor’s Conference on Extreme Climate Risks on December 15, 2011, the Spotlight on Science will provide a targeted discussion of the latest science addressing increasing coastal vulnerability due to a changing climate. California’s coastal populations, infrastructure, property, and ecosystems are already at risk from coastal storms and this risk is growing. This panel will also highlight the actions California is taking to prepare for and adapt to climate change related risks.

  •  Dr. Gary Griggs, UCSC:  The Vulnerability of the California Coast to Climate Change and Extreme Events
  • Dr. Patrick Barnard, USGS:  Storminess and Extreme Coastal Water Levels: Historical Observations and Future Projections for the California Coast
  • Rebecca Smyth, NOAA Coastal Services Center:  Examples of Decision Support Tools and Community Adaptation Efforts

Skyli McAfee, Executive Director, California Ocean Science Trust

Break for lunch


6.  ACTION:  Consideration and possible adoption of a California Voluntary Sustainable Seafood Program Protocol
Sam Schuchat, Council Secretary


7.  ACTION:  Consideration and possible adoption of recommended policy to the California Energy Commission on marine renewable energy test and pilot projects
Laura Engeman, Project Manager, OPC


8.  ACTION:  Consideration and possible authorization to develop an agreement with the California Technology Agency to support the integration of California’s coastal and marine geospatial data into a statewide internet-based “geo portal”  to improve access to these data by agencies, stakeholders, and the general public
Laura Engeman, Project Manager, OPC
Scott Gregory, Geographic Information Officer, California Technology Agency

  • Staff Recommendation
  • Exhibit 1: Assemby Bill 2125 (Ruskin 2009)
  • Exhibit 2: Executive Summary of the California Coastal and Marine Geospatial Information Management System Scoping Study (2011)
  • Exhibit 3: 2010 Resolution of the California Coastal and Marine Geospatial Data Working Group
  • Exhibit 4: Letters of Support


9.  ACTION:  Consideration and possible concurrence with the proposed grant awards for the 2011 University of California Sea Grant and University of Southern California Sea Grant programs
Clare O’Reilly, Project Manager, OPC


10.  Public comment on non-agenda items

*Note:  Agenda items may be reordered at the discretion of the council chair.

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Lawrence Matthews at (510) 286-1212 or  Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this council meeting should contact Mr. Matthews no later than five days prior to meeting.

Categories: OPC Meetings