Ocean Protection Council Meeting Memo – Aug. 11, 2011 in Sacramento



TO:                        California Ocean and Coastal Community

FROM:                  John Laird, Secretary for Natural Resources

DATE:                  Aug. 1, 2011

RE:                        Ocean Protection Council Meeting – Aug. 11, 2011 in Sacramento


The Ocean Protection Council will convene in Sacramento on Aug. 11, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. in room 437 of the State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814.

The meeting agenda will include:

  • The council will receive the DRAFT OPC Strategic Action Plan for 2012-2017. This draft plan maps the vision and opportunity for OPC in the coming five years and is available for public comment today through Sept. 12, 2011 on the OPC website. We look forward to hearing your feedback at this meeting.
  • The council will consider supporting legislative action at the federal level regarding marine debris and receive an update on the National Ocean Policy and coastal and marine spatial planning efforts.
  • The balance of the meeting will focus on offshore renewable energy, an emerging issue that requires thoughtful consideration moving forward. Two experts will present on this topic for the meeting’s “Spotlight on Science,” then the council will discuss opportunities and constraints for offshore renewable energy development in California with industry experts, stakeholders and agency representatives.

The meeting agenda is available at: https://opc.ca.gov/2011/08/ocean-protection-council-meeting-august-11-2011/.


For more information about the OPC, please visit our website: https://opc.ca.gov/.
Managing our coastal and ocean resources is paramount for Californians, and as always the OPC looks forward to hearing from experts and the public on these and other critical issues.


I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.





Categories: OPC Meetings