Coastal and Marine Geospatial Data

The OPC and other California state agency partners have made significant  investments in marine and coastal data collection,  including seafloor maps, shoreline maps, and ecological and socio‐economic data  to support marine protected area planning.  Improved access and sharing of this geospatial data can ensure that the best and most up to date information and science is available for informing regulatory decisions, as well as the planning, scoping, and stakeholder processes that lead up to these decisions. The following are a list of current OPC efforts to improve coastal and marine geospatial data:

The California Coastal and Marine Geospatial Working Group

The OPC formed the California Coastal and Marine Geospatial Working Group (CCMG-WG) to increase collaboration between agencies and the state’s Geospatial Information Officer (GIO).  The CCMG-WG has since become a formal subcommittee of the California GIS Council.   Membership in the CCMG-WG includes technical managers and users of coastal and marine geospatial data from the various California state agencies (see list of members).

California Coastal and Marine Geospatial Data Information Management System Scoping Study

The OPC and the CCMG-WG developed a scope of work and issued an RFQ in early 2011 to conduct a scoping study with the goal of outlining the coastal and marine geospatial data priorities of California agencies and the specific technical requirements for data management systems at the State that are needed to support these priorities.  See the Project Website for more information.


  • The Collaborative Geospatial Information and Tools for California Coastal and Ocean Managers Workshop (August 2009).  Download the workshop report HERE.
  • OPC Resolution on Coordination Geospatial Information and Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (2009). Download resolution HERE.


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