This webpage was updated on August 22, 2010

Collaborative Fisheries Research Organization

Collaborative Fisheries Research

Collaborative fisheries research (CFR) involves creating partnerships among fisheries stakeholders (commercial and recreational fishermen, university scientists and fisheries scientists, coastal managers, NGOs, funders, and tribes) to encourage collaboration on fisheries research design, including defining goals and research questions, and to ensure that necessary data gathered in a manner that will improve fisheries management.  The clear benefit of collaborative research is fishermen participating in the collection of data. They are also able to provide an “on-the-water service” by making available their fishing vessels, equipment, etc., to CFR projects. The degree of collaboration that takes place on fisheries research projects can vary and strongly depends on the questions driving the needs and stakeholders involved.

2008 CFR Workshop

this collaborative endeavor came after OPC staff and the
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Resources Legacy Fund Foundation convened a CFR workshop in Oakland, California on April 29-30, 2008.
On April 29-30, 2008, OPC staff and the Resources Legacy Fund Foundation convened a workshop on Collaborative Fisheries Research in Oakland, CA.  Nearly 70 invited stakeholders participated in the workshop including representatives from West Coast commercial and recreational fishing groups, California Department of Fish and Game (DFG), NOAA Fisheries, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC), Sea Grant, several California universities, the Nature Conservancy, and Environmental Defense Fund.  At the workshop participants expressed strong support for establishing a formal CFR organization in California and an interest in coordinating with complementary state or federal programs or research initiatives along the West Coast.

Establishing a CFR Organization

In September 2008, the OPC authorized disbursement of up to $300,000 to the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) to create a collaborative fisheries research (CFR) organization in California.  The CFR organization will develop, solicit, and fund projects with the goal of creating partnerships between fishermen and scientists to develop and collect fisheries data necessary to the Department of Fish and Game, the Fish and Game Commission, the Pacific Fishery Management Council, and the Ocean Protection Council.

This establishment of the CFR program was delayed due to the state bond freeze, however,  it was restarted in late 2009.  The PSMFC is now making progress in establishing the CFR organization.

In November 2010, the OPC authorized disbursement of up to $1,500,000 to the PSMFC and the University of California Sea Grant Program to continue to build the organization and to fund the actual research projects.  The goal is to leverage substantially greater and more stable funding sources from the federal government.

Council Documents
2008 CFR Workshop Summary

Staff Recommendation (September 2008)

Staff Recommendation (November 2010)


Categories: Aquaculture, Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems