DCTF Meeting- June 28, 2010
Meeting Agenda
June 28, 2010
Ukiah Valley Conference Center
Cabernet II Room
200 S School Street
Ukiah, CA 95482
9:30am to 5:00pm
1. Welcome, introductions, agenda review, and DCTF updates
DCTF Project Team (Neal Fishman and Rachelle Fisher)
2. Discussion of Dungeness crab fishery legislation. Discussion may include, but will not be limited to, pot limits, limited entry, latent permits, additional management measures, a hardship review committee, and data needs. DCTF port and organizational caucuses and/or workgroups may be convened to refine and discuss proposed management measures
DCTF Project Team, DCTF
ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of recommendations to support, support with amendments, or oppose Dungeness crab legislation
ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of a formal request to the California Department of Fish and Game for Dungeness crab fishery data (may include commercial or sport fishery data)
3. General Public Comment
4. Discussion of DCTF’s future functioning capacity and a possible administrative restructuring of the DCTF
DCTF Project Team, DCTF
ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of a DCTF executive committee and/or amend the DCTF charter (approved September 2009) to restructure the administration of the DCTF
5. General public comment
6. Discussion of the DCTF’s next steps
DCTF Project Team, DCTF
7. Adjourn
**Agenda items may be taken out of order at the discretion of the project team.
Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to mrcrabs@scc.ca.gov or 714-330-7976.
Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this council meeting should contact Rachelle Fisher (rfisher@scc.ca.gov or 714- 330-7976) no later than five days prior to meeting.