Evaluation of the Ocean Protection Council – Request for Proposals




TO:   Ocean and Coastal Community

FROM:  Mike Chrisman, Secretary for Natural Resources, Chair Ocean Protection Council

DATE:  October 7, 2009

RE:  Evaluation of the Ocean Protection Council – Request for Proposals


On behalf of the Ocean Protection Council (OPC), I am pleased to announce that the Evaluation of the Ocean Protection Council – Request for Proposals (RFP) is now available.  You may download the RFP here and it can also be downloaded and the Department of General Services Web site (http://www.bidsync.com/, bid #09-023).

In its first five years, the OPC has made significant contributions to improved ocean and coastal management.  Now, as the organization begins preparations for the next strategic plan, it is an opportune time to evaluate its performance to date against the goals of the California Ocean Protection Act (COPA) and to identify opportunities to improve institutional processes, address the adequacy of policies and laws, and to integrate science into decision making.

The purpose of the study is to conduct an assessment of achievements to date and recommend how best to align the OPC’s future activities, actions, and strategies with the intent and purpose of COPA. The study should provide practical recommendations to help guide the next phase of the OPC’s work.

Please forward this e-mail invitation to colleagues who might be interested in submitting proposals.  Deadline for submission of proposals is October 30, 2009

If you have any questions regarding the OPC Evaluation RFP, please e-mail Doug George dgeorge@scc.ca.gov.


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