OPC Meeting – September 17, 2009


Meeting Agenda


September 17, 2009
9 a.m. – 12 noon
Hyatt Regency San Francisco, Grand Ballroom A
5 Embarcadero Center
San Francisco, CA


Mike Chrisman, Secretary for Natural Resources, Council Chair                                   
Linda Adams, Secretary for Environmental Protection
John Garamendi, Lieutenant Governor, Chair of the State Lands Commission
Susan Golding, Public Member
Geraldine Knatz, Public Member
Pedro Nava, State Assemblyman
Fran Pavley, State Senator


1.  Welcome and council member announcements         
Mike Chrisman, Secretary for Natural Resources, Council Chair


2.  Presidential Memorandum on a National Policy for the Oceans, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes and the National Ocean Policy Task Force
Brian Baird, Acting Executive Policy Officer
Nancy Sutley, Chair, White House Council on Environmental Quality

Dr. Jane Lubchenco, Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator of NOAA


ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of comments on the draft National Policy and Implementation Strategy from President Obama’s Interagency Task Force on Ocean Policy and authorization for the Chair to represent the council to the task force, consistent with these recommendations.
     – Amended comments approved by the council

3.  ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of a resolution (1) supporting interagency collaboration and management of geospatial information to identify priority uses and address current and future user conflicts in the ocean environment, and (2) directing staff to analyze and develop recommendations on marine spatial planning, including planning principles and objectives. 
Christina Cairns, Project Manager


4. Public comment on non-agenda items*


5. Report from the Acting Executive Policy Officer
Brian Baird, Assistant Secretary for Ocean and Coastal Policy, Natural Resources Agency


6. Report from the Council Secretary
Sam Schuchat, Council Secretary 


7.  Report from the Science Advisor to the OPC
Amber Mace, Executive Director, California Ocean Science Trust


8. ACTION: Consideration and possible delegation to the Council Secretary the authority to approve and disburse up to $4,400,000 (four million four hundred thousand dollars) to the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) to help plan and implement the Marine Life Protection Act.
Sam Schuchat, Council Secretary

  • Public Comment Letter


    Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Lawrence Matthews at (510) 286-1212 or lmatthews@scc.ca.gov. Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this council meeting should contact Mr. Matthews no later than five days prior to meeting

    Categories: OPC Meetings