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OPC Meeting – March 17, 2009


Meeting Agenda
March 17, 2009
2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Teleconference: Various Locations – See Below


Mike Chrisman, Secretary for Natural Resources, Council Chair
Linda Adams, Secretary for Environmental Protection
John Garamendi, Lieutenant Governor, Chair of the State Lands Commission
Susan Golding, Public Member
Geraldine Knatz, Public Member
Pedro Nava, State Assemblymember
Darrell Steinberg, State Senator


1. Welcome and council member announcements         
Mike Chrisman, Secretary for Natural Resources, Council Chair

2.ACTION:  Nominations and election of next council chairperson

3. Updates on the Dungeness crab task force  
Christine Blackburn, Program Manager

4. ACTION: Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $275,000 to support the work of a Dungeness crab task force, including hiring a consultant to facilitate task force meetings, providing administrative support and travel costs, and funding scientific and economic studies, as necessary.  
Rachelle Fisher, California Sea Grant Fellow

5. ACTION: Consideration and possible appointment of Dungeness crab task force representatives
Rachelle Fisher, California Sea Grant Fellow

(Public comments received prior to meeting)

6. Adjourn

Meeting locations:

Natural Resources Agency
Conference Room, Room 1305
1416 Ninth Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

Coastal Conservancy
11th Floor Conference Room
1330 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612

San Diego
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Robert P. Scripps Room 160 (Seaside Forum)
8610 Discovery Way
La Jolla, CA 92093


Note: public parking is available on the street and at the Birch Aquarium (a shuttle runs from the aquarium to the Scripps campus every 15 minutes).

Note: All sites will be accessible to members of the public and opportunity for public comment will be afforded

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to Lawrence Matthews at (510) 286-1212 or

Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this council meeting should contact Mr. Matthews no later than five days prior to meeting.

Categories: OPC Meetings